Dare You To Eat Just One . . . .

As we approach the heart of our Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Season, while so many of you are heading off for your Fourth of July Holiday, I thought it would be the perfect time to shamelessly plug The Claire Saga, since I just can’t seem to get Oprah to do it for me.

As many of you may know, and now all five of my fine readers today cannot deny, Amazon has set up a deal that allowed all Prime members to download a kindle copy of The Wise Ass for free through the end of August.

Now that 2 month stretch is the height of the summer reading season, where people escape to their vacation spots for solid chunks of time and always bring a few books with them to read during those quiet moments during those longer, warmer days, when their family and/or friends are off somewhere else, leaving them a little “me” time.

And the beauty of a Kindle book is that you can read it on your iPhone, so if you download TWA to your Kindle library right now you will always have it handy forever since no one goes anywhere without their iPhone.

So, for example, later today while you are wedged between those two strangers on your flight to freedom, you can easily fish your iPhone from your pocket and escape for a few hours.

As a quick aside, I don’t make a dime off the freebees, so if I could hypnotize you with my blog writing (I actually can, but I’ve been warned not to) – which is also a freebee – I would deeply wedge into your subconscious the barbed mental suggestion of actually purchasing a paperback copy so I could prove to my wife that writing is more than an expensive hobby, but I digress.

Instead, I’m throwing down a challenge to all of you who are reading this blog on their iPhones. If you haven’t already done so, click on the above jump site for TWA and download a free kindle copy. Then read the first 31 pages. It’s all Goodfellas. Exciting. Authentic. Courtroom drama. And if you aren’t mesmerized by my writing, you are off the hook. Close the book. Go play pickleball.

That is the failsafe barrier. Beyond here lies dragons.

So, if you do end there, you will be missing the magic. The Wizard of Oz. As my dear friend and mentor describes it – that’s where it becomes “Grisham on mushrooms.”

And here’s the beauty of it. If you read past that point, I’ve got you for all five books. Because once you enter the World of Claire, you are never going to want to leave. By page 109, you will have gone back online and ordered the next four books, at full price, so they will arrive before you finish TWA and will be ready to take you from cliff-hanger to cliff-hanger. It’s really that simple. Pure magic escapism guaranteed for the remainder of your summer.

Now I have a two world reason to want to push you all to read The Claire Saga before Labor Day unofficially ends the summer.

The weekend of September 21st, my new hometown of Berthoud will be hosting a literary festival and I will be one of the many writers presenting, reading, meeting & greeting and engaging in Q&A for as much of that weekend as they will put up with me. Then I hop on a plane and fly back to my forever home in the Bronx, where I do back to back events at the An Beal Bocht Cafe – https://www.anbealbochtcafe.com/ – in South Riverdale on Wednesday 9/25 and then my one and only North Riverdale Prodigal Son coming home party at Downey’s Bar & Grill – https://www.facebook.com/downeysbarandgrill/ – on Friday 9/27.

And I really want to be able to freely talk about and read from all five books, The Claire Saga, during all three of those events, without having to issue spoiler alerts.

You see, while there are five books, there is only one story. Claire’s Story.

So, go ahead, click on that Amazon website and order that free Kindle version of TWA. Make this Fourth of July the Holiday that freed your mind. Tell your friends. Please. Make reading The Claire Saga this summer the next viral Tik-Tok challenge. Who can read and post a review for all five books before Labor Day?

Go ahead, Claire dares you to eat just one. . . .

But before there is any thoughts of the upcoming holiday weekend here at Casa Claire, there are kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

And, no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

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