The Wise Novelist

We Are Who We Are – Mark Makes It Through.

My wife and I tend to toss our hats onto the dining room table when we come into the house. They remain there until someone finds the energy to hang them on their hooks. Or someone cajoles the other passionately enough to force the other to hang them on their hooks.

I was walking through the dining room and spotted this juxtapositioning and had to snap a photo.

It was a visual reminder of something that is very important to who I am.

You see, while I now consider myself a proud citizen of Berthoud, Colorado, those hats reflect my DNA. You will never be able to separate this McCaffrey from his Bronx roots.

Indeed, it is that DNA that compelled me to write Finding Jimmy Moran.

For where The Claire Trilogy is my homage to my present life. FJM is my homage to a life long gone but not forgotten.

And, of course, this is where I must say, that, as with everything I write, FJM it is totally fiction.

Anyway, yesterday my cop son, Mark (Go Blue), had his left arm operated on for a profession-related injury. His lovely wife, Sara (also NYPD), was nice enough to face-time me once he was semi-conscious to let me know that he survived the ordeal. The good news is that we got to relentlessly break each other’s balls in real time for a few minutes – which confirmed to me that he is okay – and then the better news is that just as he was signing off, I grabbed an embarrasing screen shot, with which I can now break his balls for eternity. So here you go Mark. I love you.

Nice hat. Thank you Sara,

Looking forward to your rapid and complete recovery. It would never have happened to you in the first place, but I married a human, so there was always the possibility you could suffer injury. Luckily, you should still recuperate quickly. All of that powerful Bronx-McCaffrey DNA should carry you back to being fighting fit.

Changing gears, my wife shared a photo she received of our two oldest granddaughters, Scarlett and Savanna – yes the characters from TCT – who were on their way to their first day of school down under.

I’m assuming that the passee and blanky are not part of the school uniform.

I also assume that some of that Bronx-McCaffrey DNA continues to flow through their veins. And that will either get them arrested at some point in the future – fitting for an Irish penal colony – or allow them to take over Oz completely. My money is on both.

And don’t get me started on Stella (yes, the basis for that character).

Who was very upset when she learned that the NY Giants lost to the Philly Eagles.

There is something about this child that evokes another fictional character:

Anyway, that Bronx-McCaffrey DNA was bound to surface in her sooner or later.

Thank God for that.

Tuesday has arrived and I have things to do and people to see.

First, a kitty cuddle and my rounds. But no torture until tomorrow. Must protect the Tat.

You fine, five readers take a deep breath. Monday is now behind you.

So, go out there and have a great day.

Oh, and TWA still holds the top spot.

So my day is off to a wonderful start.

3 Responses

  1. Thanks Johnny. Hi Terry. Yes, that’s Scarlett, Savanna and Stella, Luke and Georgie’s daughters. Mark is recovering well, he’s tough like Lisa, thanks. Hope all is well with you and yours. Much love to the Clan.

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