The Wise Novelist

Thank You Kim Russo (And Colin Broderick)

When I tell people my life is truly magical, I ain’t lying.

Sharing Casa Claire with its namesake is blessing enough for many lifetimes.

For Claire is every bit as magical as I say she is.

However, the magic started way before I moved out to Colorado under the cover of darkness.

When I lived back in New York, my dear friends (and mystical central characters in The Claire Trilogy), the tireless entrepreneur Helen LaLousis – –

and the mystical and magical Bobbi Allison – –

introduced me to another powerful mystic, the lovely and amazingly talented Kim Russo. For those of us Catholics who travel in paranormal circles, it’s kind of like meeting the Pope.

Now Kim is not only incredibly gifted and talented, as anyone who has witnessed her perform will attest, but she is also absolutely lovely and the most down-to-earth person you could ever meet. Despite the fact that she has regularly walked with Hollywood elite, and so many other amazing personalities, Kim epitomizes the girl-next-door persona. She is a devoted wife to her husband Anthony, and an excellent mother to her children. If she had grown up in Riverdale, she would have definitely hung in my crowd and eventually appeared – all these decades later — as a character in Finding Jimmy Moran (but I am not ruling her out for the sequel to TCT – Where The Ley Lines Meet).

Anyway, when The Wise Ass was first published, Kim was generous enough to voluntarily post a blurb on her FB page extolling my book to her gazillion followers. I credit that selfless act – combined with Colin Broderick’s equally generous “Grisham on mushrooms” cover blurb – with propelling TWA to a stratospheric launch and many trips to the #1 spot over the past 18 months. That heavenly sent momentum has carried right through the release of An Alien Appeal and Kissing My Ass Goodbye, and continues to this day.

Now you all know that Colin B has again voluntarily provided me with the creative and imaginative cover blurb for Finding Jimmy Moran.

Another 100 mile an hour strike right down the center. My incredibly superstitious Irishness took that as a wonderful omen. I was stoked.

For those of you that may be too young, here’s a little context to the blurb:

But then yesterday, the gods again smiled upon me, as the lovely Kim Russo stepped into the batterbox and hit another ninth-inning grand slam for me, by posting the amazing photo above of her holding a copy of FJM on her FB page. Pure magic.

The Christmas theme of the photo captures just how I felt at the moment. I was Ralphie when he unwrapped his Red Rider BB gun:

Love that movie and used to listen to Jean Shepherd’s radio program as a kid. Flick lives! Man was a genuis.

And in case I screwed up the technical transfer of the above clip taken from Kim’s FB posting (I actually cannot see it until I post it), I’ll repeat what she said, below:

“Congratulations to my dear friend and favorite author, Tom McCaffrey on his new book “Finding Jimmy Moran.” I just received it in the mail and I can’t wait to dive in. If you are looking for a great holiday gift, here it is.”

Now I’m pretty sure I couldn’t have gotten my mother to say such nice things about me. Even if I paid her. And, trust me, I would have.

But this came right out of left field.

And there it was. The magical combination of Broderick and Russo had struck again. The gods have smiled upon me.

So yes, there is magic in this world. Thank you Colin. Thank you Kim.

If I were having any more children, I would name them after you both. Thank God, I still have lots of characters in my head that I can do that with.

Well, now I must return to earth and start my Thursday.

But first, a kitty cuddle, my rounds and some torture.

Now you fine, five readers check out everything Kim and Colin related on their respective websites – embedded above. Please check out Helen’s and Bobbi’s embedded websites as well.

There are books and films and merchandise that would make great Christmas gifts. There’s still time to order, but you need to act fast.

No matter what you have on your plates, make today a great one.

Remember, there is truly magic in this world.

3 Responses

  1. Helen is great and her products are awesome!! If you haven’t visited her website, I urge you to do so. I am so enjoying my package of products. The lavender hand and body scrub is absolutely to die for!!!

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