You Just Can’t Please Everyone

I have to be interactive on Social Media in order to market The Claire Saga by modern day word-of-mouth. Most of the time people are supportive.

Every once in a while, you get that one reader who decides to make an example of you. Most of the time I try to politely disengage. However, sometimes that is not enough, as an irate reader decides to project my fictional characters and narratives upon me, the writer, and will not let it go. This can poison the well so that the pool of potential future readers rally against my work. A subtle but extremely dangerous form of cancelling.

There’s an APP called Nextdoor where I interact with a lot of the NoCo local populace. I take great pride in the fact that The Claire Saga has strong roots in this area. It is not surprising that I would like to keep a positive reputation among the locals.

Yesterday, I put out a request on all of my social platforms asking for support from my readers to see if I can garner some additional reviews, which impact my Amazon Algorithms and provides me more online visibility. The response on all platforms has been predominantly positive. I am blessed by a broad and engaging readership.

However, one of the locals – an admirable and selfless citizen who is a local leader in the animal rescue movement – fixated on one issue/storyline in one of the books in 5 novel series The Claire Saga – the COVID Pandemic – as a reason to tell me and the other Nextdoor members why – despite the “lovely” writing – she cannot give me a good review.

I really did try to take the high road. I did not want to ignore that person, and let them know I heard them and appreciated their support.

I really thought that was it. The bell rang and we went back to our neutral corners.

But mornings bring all kind of mischief.

This reader could not let it go. I hate reverting to my lawyer personality unless someone is paying the going rate. However, sometimes that cannot be avoided and I am compelled to defend myself.

COVID is a sensitive subject and people have diverse and strong views on it. I knew that when I incorporated it into a purely fictional storyline, but you cannot avoid including a piece of our historically collective experience in a novel just because it is controversial and a character’s position may not please everyone. Fiction is the one place where you can freely engage in hot topics. It’s fiction. There to evoke emotions and make you think outside your comfort zone. Consider Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. I may not agree with the underlying political and social premise but I will not denigrate the writing, the book or the author. MA is a literary star. The HT is a fine book. MA deserves every accolade she receives. Much respect MA.

Now, I don’t want any misunderstandings here, I think that the irate reader is a wonderful person, based upon the selfless work it performs, on an issue very close and dear to my own heart – animal rescue. That person is entitled to their opinion, which I respect.

The problem is that it does not take much in today’s emotional tinderbox of a society to start a conflagration. I don’t want this misunderstanding on the Pandemic to spark a cancellation movement that can spread like the Colorado Wildfires that terrorized NoCo this past summer.

And this particular exchange got 1.5K views on Nextdoor.

After all, even though I believe with my whole heart that The Claire Saga has all of the fantasy and magical chops of the Harry Potter series, and hopefully will be just as successful on the big screen during my lifetime, I don’t yet have the fame or warchest that JK Rowling has to survive her transgender kerfuffle.

I purposely do not discuss my politics on social media. I refuse. It’s not relevant to my work. But anyone who reads my work can deduce, based on the expansive subject matter, that I have a very broad pallet when it comes to social constructs and topical issues. However, please don’t judge or pigeonhole me as a writer or a person based on my novels. I am so much more than that. Read my blogs. Get to know me before you find a reason to dislike me. Don’t worry, there’s plenty to choose from.

I really hope this ends the controversy. Stay tuned.

Well, today is Saturday, chore day on Casa Claire.

But first I need to cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

You fine, five readers, from all sides of the socio-political-economic spectrum, have that third cuppa and then get out there and do your weekend errands so you are free, come afternoon, to pursue whatever joyful weekend experience that floats your armada.

I have carved out some spa day time this morning to allow the talented and engaging Anna the Barber to beat my face back into some human form.

One final word. Never discuss politics in a Barber chair when the person behind you is holding a straight edge by your throat.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

4 Responses

  1. You said all that you could say to this reader who as you said does good work in the world saving animals. Well said indeed.
    I throughly enjoyed all of the fictional possibilities that the Claire Saga presented whether left, right, up or down. 😉

  2. Love your books… and everything about them. She is really missing out on a great story if she doesn’t read further!
    To me, it’s important to read things that stretch my mind to think outside of my little box, even if I don’t agree with everything. I wish this animal loving person (terrific!) could enjoy the full Claire experience! I bet she’d love it.

  3. Trigger Warning!!!
    As a God loving/fearing, hardcore conservative, I don’t agree with the whole trans/gay thing and didn’t play the covid game, i.e., jab/mask free. That said, I have alittle trouble understanding folks that can’t disconnect fiction from reality.
    The “Claire Saga” was an extremely enjoyable read. Context is required. IMO, read it/or don’t, enjoy it or not and go on down the road.
    Max says hi to Claire and Honey!

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