The problem with the sun coming up earlier and the spring grass sprouting at Casa Claire, is that the mules like to grab their early morning tithes and then hang out back grazing before I can slip out behind them and lock the back property gates. You see, when I can lock them off the back property, my game of Ringolevio is usually a little more physically limited to a smaller hilly side paddock that makes it slightly harder for the mules to break out into their impressively fast and powerful sprints. Takes maybe 15 minutes to catch them. On the open back property, I feel like an aging linebacker continuously beaten to the sidelines by younger, faster and more powerful running backs. It’s humiliating. And exhausting. I’m sure the neighbors enjoy the spectacle.
Blue tries to help but they literally leap right over her.
I finally had to bring Lisa out to help me drive them forward into the side paddock and then Lisa got Claire haltered and then Honey surrendered to me, literally just in time for the arrival of the farrier, Jason, who watched the last of it from the top of the driveway. It had been a solid hour of Ringolevio.
I then brushed the two troublemakers while Jason saw to their hooves – assuring me, as he does each visit, that they all look healthy. They certainly run well enough, he opined.
And, while I went about my other chores, they spent the rest of their day just grazing around the property, without a care in the world, on their nicely trimmed hooves.

They must have been tired from running circles around me because they even caught a nap.

Speaking of being run off my feet, Blue and I were both exhausted, and when we finally called it a night, Blue reached over and held my foot with her front paws, acknowledging, in a way Lisa never will, how much work I put into Casa Claire.

I’m glad somebody notices.
Speaking of unnoticed work. . . .
Today is Mother’s Day, so I better sneak out to town and buy Lisa a card and flowers to commemorate the occasion, especially since she has been working so hard on her grandmotherly duties these past few weeks. Trust me, any human woman who takes on the role of bearer and caretaker for McCaffrey Spawn deserves a purple heart for their service. Lisa has been an amazing mother. She is an equally amazing grandmother. Everything good about my offspring legacy comes from her.
The wild shit is all mine.
So I better be off so I can cuddle my kitties, make my rounds and get to Hayes when it opens at 6 a.m. They have beautiful flowers.
You fine, five readers who happen to be mothers and grandmothers, or aunts or great aunts or best friend females or female spouses that have pitched in with the raising of any children, including foster and adopted, who all get an extra gold star, my hat is tipped to you all. It is the hardest and most exhausting job in the world. It is also the most rewarding. And it never ends until your very last breath. And for some, it continues even after your crossing.
It all makes my work at Casa Claire look easy by comparison.
Well done you all.
Well, I hope those that have received so much love from you, take a moment to acknowledge the true source of the lifetime of blessings they have received.
And make your Mother’s Day a great one.

Nailed it.
5 Responses
HMD to all (here and beyond) from a real-life “aging linebacker.” Always remember that 🎶a Mother’s love’s a blessing, no matter where you go…🎶
Thoughtful musings here, as ever…. now I wish that we had room for equine partners right in the yard in westside Old Towne. However, I’ve been told that finding a farrier can be a challenge, so will be content with the life that you share with us. I’ll argue that your correspondence is enjoyed by many more than five🤓
Good job Tommy – and a very Happy Mother’s Day to Lisa!!! I think of you guys so often and I’m so glad that you and your family- and their families – are all well and happy!! Love and hugs!! XO
Nice flowers and plant Tommy! I hope Claire and Honey finally appreciated their pedicure. Nice flowers and plant. I hope Lisa enjoys them and her special day. 🙂💐🩷
Tom, I’ve never seen any of your post before. I just saw the one this morning stating that you’re leaving Nextdoor. I’ve had my own beefs with them in the past. so now I stay at bay and comment minimally.
I wish you weren’t leaving.