Writing Without A Net

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Make sure you check out William Warby’s amazing photos https://www.instagram.com/wwarby

I’ve never been a big planner when it comes to writing. There is some vague idea floating around just beyond my peripheral vision. Pure channeling. I don’t outline. I don’t story board. I don’t even know the characters beyond the first and second ones I start with. The rest show up as the story requires.

Sometimes they make an Irish exit.

Although I will toss my friends into a mental hopper so I can give the arriving characters names and features. See them clearly as my mind plays the movie. Stock players from Central Casting.

I never rewrite a storyline. Never change an ending. Full stop.

I’m inconsistent at best with my punctuation, grammar and capitalization. I like to reward some common nouns by making them proper.

I will correct typos, misspellings and homophones if I catch them. Sometimes I don’t catch them.

My inner circle of readers catch most of them for me. Thank you inner circle of readers. I am lost without you.

I write like I speak. Start sentences without a subject. Sometimes I forget to end a . . . .

This makes me the Slip Mahoney of writers. It’s an acquired taste for sure.

My omniscient narrator is everyman. No distinct features that will cause you to raise your guard when I enter a room. Nothing about me that makes you think, watch out, here’s trouble. I have very disarming blue eyes that allow you to easily get comfortable around me. Makes it easier to just listen to my voice.

Indeed, when the smoke clears, you couldn’t pick me out of a line up.

And I do tell a great story. I’m the stranger you meet on the NYC subway, who engages you in a spontaneous conversation that makes you miss your subway stop. Apologies.

Same approach I use in my writing.

Indeed, my writing makes you feel like I’m sitting across a table from you, maybe having drinks on a Friday night. There’s a shared buzz. We’re both there to escape life. We are not even looking at each other, just shifting our gazes to the different people milling around the crowded room as our conversation continues, almost like white noise. Just talking about any old bullshit, and the next thing you know, a story surfaces among the amusing anecdotes, you are hooked and we’re off on an adventure. You never see the detours coming. You find yourself wondering, “what just happened?” and then “what’s happening next?”

And I do love a cliff-hanger. A suggestion there is more to the tale. Because there always is.

You are jarred back to reality by my, “shit, gotta go! Let’s pick this up next time. See ya.”

That’s what writing without a net is like. Extemporaneous. Organic.

Damn it, the sun’s coming up. Gotta go.

Kitties to cuddle and feed. Rounds to make.

Catch you fine, five readers later. Time for another Tuesday.

We all have livings to make, so let’s make them.

And no matter what is placed before us, let us make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. i too tallk to anyone who listens. funny how I meet people while i do my walks and may talk with someone and then you may never see them again…..

    Other days i just want the solitude to wrap me in a cocoon and just do my thing.

    even though I am nearing the final year of my 7th decade in life I truly love talking to the older gentlemen….. they have wisdom that I will never possess

  2. Soooo, are you having any of those “vague ideas floating around just beyond your peripheral vision” yet/ again/ lately? Are you ready to channel some more writing?🙂

  3. I hope those vague thoughts and ideas lead to another follow for KMAG. I am ready for another one. You did allow for some questionable storyline. Merry Christmas to you and Lisa! I hope this is a great year for all of you.

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