When Blue Is Blue

The Irish know melancholy when they see it. In fact, we invented it. Right before we invented Poitín (Poteen).

The crows came by Boot Hill yesterday to pay Jeter their respects. Appropriately dressed.

Despite the company, Blue is definitely missing her buddy.

We’ve been going out of our way to try to show Blue extra attention.

Lisa will regularly bundle Blue up on the couch, with maternal hugs and kisses.

But healing is going to take time. For everyone.

Lisa is not ready to bring another fur family member into the home. She hasn’t gotten over Jeter’s passing. I understand. She may never get over it.

If it is supposed to happen, it will.

Until then, all we can do is give Blue our attention and love.

Blue’s taken to following me downstairs in the early hours, like Jeter used to, to make sure I’m not alone in my wanderings. The McCaffrey fur members are far more selfless than the naked apes.

Lisa has ordered some solar flowers for the Boot Hill area. We’ll set them up soon.

In the interim, Lisa has gotten the outdoor Christmas lights going,

That back set shines right out over Boot Hill, and can be seen quite clearly from the Barn.

Sometimes you just have to force a little joy back into your life.

Jeter would want that.

Since we are on melancholy topics, my prayers go out to my publisher Reagan Rothe (and wife Minna, and mother Kathy), whose father, Walt Rothe (who was quite an accomplished Texan, including playing pro-baseball) who, I learned this morning, passed on December 11th.


Walter Rothe wrung all of the juice out of his life. Well done Walter. I’m sure you’ll be keeping a close eye on your amazing family who will miss you forever. Vaya con dios. May you bat 1000 this celestial season.

And thanks, my fine, five readers, for all of the well wishes yesterday.

Lisa’s eye surgery went perfectly.

Of course, now I hear a strange sound every time she looks at me.


No hiding from her now.

She’ll have the other one done in 2 weeks.

Then I’m screwed for sure.

Well, until then, I must start another day. Hump day.

So, you fine, five readers get your skates on and attack the hill.

I’ll definitely be looking for Friday at the peak.

But first, some kitty cuddling and my rounds.

No matter what we do today, let us make it a great one.

2 Responses

  1. Glad Lisa’s procedure went well and she’s able to give you “ the eye” even better.
    Christmas lights always make this cold dreary time of the year better🎄

  2. My condolences to Blue and his humans. May a new four footed house mate come along when the time is right.
    Beautiful photos Tom.

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