What’s In A Name?

Juliet knew her shit. R&J, Act 2 Scene 2

Someone asked me why I named the magical mule in the book series Claire.

The simple answer is that I am totally devoid of any imagination, and that is the name of my real and very magical mule, Claire.

And since she dictated the entire story, I feared her lawyers would be all over me if I changed the central character’s name. I hate lawyers.

But I love Claire.

And with all other things related to The Claire Saga, the name organically fits.

“Claire Origin and Meaning

The name Claire is a girl’s name of French origin meaning “bright, clear”.

Claire, luminous, simple, and strong, is one of those special names that is familiar yet distinctive, feminine but not frilly, combining historical depth with a modern edge. ”


Indeed, the name “Claire” has its own QR Code:

Any of you fine, five readers who have read through the entirety of The Claire Saga knows that she is “bright,” “clear,” and by the end(?) of the series, in her purely mystical form, she’s indeed “luminous.”

Claire is deeply feminine in her love for Mr. Rogers, and equally maternal in her care over Jimmy, Gina, the kids, and the rest of her motley crew, but there are no “frills” about her. She is a warrior queen from the get-go. No prisoners.

And anyone who recalls her appearance before the Centaurian High Council at the end of Jimmy’s trial in AAA, understands her “historical depth” – in relation the Terran Centaurs of myth and history – all sharpened and hardened with a “modern edge” of her skills and paranormal abilities.

But what is most important about Claire is that I wouldn’t be blogging about my life as a writer if it wasn’t for her divine intervention in my life, which I will happily talk about in depth during any and all of the upcoming September writer events beginning with my appearance this Saturday at the Berthoud Literary Festival, 2pm (Library) for a reading/Q&A and 3pm onward for book inscriptions and meet and greet (City Star Brewery) https://citystarbrewing.com/.

Then back in Da Bronx for the same at

An Beal Bocht Cafe – https://www.anbealbochtcafe.com/ – Wednesday, 9/25 at 7pm (ish-Irish time)

Downey’s Bar & Grill – https://dineoutriverdale.com/rrw/f2023rrw/downeys/ – Friday, 9/27 at 7pm (ish-more Irish time).

I really hope to see those that can make it.

Well, tonight’s lunar apex didn’t disappoint.

Claire was standing guard in the Old Barn while the mischievous Honey was within pillaging the stacks of hay.

Of course Claire followed me around to her new barn

where I gave her a full moon brushing while we waited for Honey to join us.

It gave us a rare – these days – alone moment to catch up. Me to share my mild anxiety over hoping for the success of the upcoming events, The Claire Saga in general, and whatever may come afterwards, and her to assuage those emotions and remind me that we’ve gotten this far, are in this together, and that, as always, she is only a thought away.

Claire is always great at hugging.

Honey arrived and went right into the barn to eat without even a “How do you do,” and Claire sent me on my way with a “Don’t worry about what you can’t control. Put on your big-boy pants (I like to wear shorts). You got this, Tommy.”

While Jimmy may think he holds the title, Claire is definitely The Wise Ass.

That made me feel better, so I headed back to the house and snapped some awesome full moon photos along the way.

Well, hump day is upon us.

You five, fine readers put your skates on and attack the hill.

Wave at a very excited Friday waiting just there, over Thursday’s shoulder.

Take care of the lion’s share of whatever employment you must labor at, get the hard part over with. It’s not called “Hump” day for the fun reason.

You can wrap it all up tomorrow and present it with a bow on Friday.

I’m going to head out and cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

Then the law.

But no matter what we all get up to, let us make today a great one.

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