Warm Again

Yesterday got warm. Nice and sunny.

Time to don shorts. Sandals are all season ware.

The animals did their obligatory sunbathing, all that was missing was tar beach and the baby oil.

but they took their refreshments in the shade.

The Ozmandians went to the local athletic center for their children’s swim lessons and their work outs, and that, along with Lisa still in New York with her sisters, left the house blissfully quiet.

I was able to get a lot of legal work done without distraction or interruption.

I received a contract in my email from the governing Berthoud Organization confirming my appearance at their literary event on September 21st, but rejected the proffered compensation, since I would gladly do everything they requested for free. That money could be better spent on more important things like making the event a success.

After work, I stopped at Longmont’s Walmart to replenish the Casa Claire Creatures’ food stock, including my contribution of steak (I am the only vegetarian) and veggies for the Ozmandians, who have enjoyed constant BBQs on the back deck now that the weather and later light make the evenings more accomodating.

I spent the latter part of the evening in the dungeon binging paranormal shows on the Travel Channel, then retreated to the Tower with Blue to call it a night.

Before tossing myself onto my King size bed, I was drawn to the bay window by the sounds of squeals and laughter coming from the twilight out back, and watched as the three grans raced around the property chasing young and very fast rabbits through the fields, while Claire and Honey stood off by the western fence and enjoyed the show. Stella, the youngest, appeared to have the most speed, agility and endurance of the sisters, and almost closed on one daring rabbit – who really appeared to enjoy the chase – until this one furry athlete took her through some brambles which tripped her up and caused her to execute the perfect chest slide that would have made any MLB base thief proud.

Having witnessed many similar impacts among my own children, I waited silently to see any signs that the child sustained any real damage, before deciding whether to call out to their parents, who were inside cleaning up after dinner. Stella looked around to see if anyone had witnessed the fall, and let out a few whines and moans out of embarrassment. By the time her sisters had caught up with her, she was back on her feet, dusting herself off. Scarlett, gave her a quick once over and a remedial rub on the head, while Savanna, the least Tomboy of the group, supervised. Suddenly, Stella was off again at full sprint chasing another daring rabbit, with her sisters squealing encouragements as they followed in her wake.

Old School Childhood Fun. No computers, no helicopter parents. Just laughter and exhaustive play under the watchful eye of a magic mule in a space where they felt safe. That is Casa Claire. I slept like a baby.

Although the fox was back with a short serenade just as I was going out to feed Claire and Honey. Blue chased it off into the darkness.

Shit, maybe the fox is a male with a thing for Blue?!

Thank God Blue’s fixed.

And thank God it’s Friday again.

I have some legal work to complete but first some kitty cuddling and my rounds.

You fine, five readers finish up that cuppa and get off to your jobs, so you can fool the bosses with some dramatic busy work, before turning that long lunch into an early escape to your weekends. Don’t worry, the bosses will have already taken off.

But no matter what skyving we get up to today, let us make this Friday a great one.

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