Tuesday, For The Win – TWA

Amazon ratings are like musical chairs. You have to pay attention and be ready to grab your spot when the music stops.

After feeding the dogs and Claire & Honey at 2 am (which allows me to make sure all is well out there), I make my rounds on social media and then check my books to see how they are doing. Was thrilled to wake up today and find TWA back on top – at least for the next hour. Never gets old for me. We’ll see how the day goes. But for this moment the red ribbon is ours. Thank you all for your continuing support.

TWA is the book that started it all. It introduced readers to the magical world of Claire the Mule and all of her mystical friends. It generated the momentum for the next three books, all of which have been Amazon Best Sellers. I am so very grateful for the opportunities TWA has provided me.

Thank you Regan Rothe and BRW. Thank you Claire.

Now I have just got to write the sequel – Where The Ley Lines Meet – to wrap up this series of books. I’m not suggesting that will be the end of Claire’s stories – I have Stella and Apollo who need looking after, and that’s what Claire does – but as far as this particular story line is concerned, this sequel should tie a bow on it. I intend this book to be absolutely amazing. Blockbuster.

Just need to do a little more research and then find the time to start it.

Each book brings more marketing and networking obligations.

You want to pay it forward.

That eats up a lot of time.

I’m not complaining, it’s a dream come true.

But then real life has been busy.

My day job wears out my eyes and drains my energy.

Then there is always something needing doing around the house and the property.

My weekend chores aren’t going to do themselves.

And I must always find that time for Claire & Honey each day. They are my guilty pleasure.

So the juggling act continues. At least until Claire gets a movie deal 😉

But now I need to tend to my daytime obligations.

My kitty to cuddle, rounds to make, dreadmill to punish me.

Then law.

But I want to reiterate how blessed I feel for all the wonders TWA has brought me.

And to thank you, my fine, five readers, for helping me make that happen.

You rock!

So, now that Monday is again behind us, let us embrace Tuesday.

Go out there and make a difference in the world.

And most of all, make today a great one.

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