Totally Committed To Spring

For those keeping score, the above painting is The Blossoms of Spring (aka Flora and Spring) 1898 by Louis Comfort Tiffany.

January 2nd always can be a little depressing for a number of reasons.

The holidays are over and real life beckons. The Christmas decorations start to look a little sad, like the last guests at an awesome party.

You try to hang onto the good feelings until Twelfth Night, for us BICs the Feast of the Epiphany, but that can feel a little desperate, especially if there are no children around the help you maintain the magic of the Christmas/New Year holidays.

No, it is best to lance the boil and take those decorations down. Look forward to the end of a Winter that has not even really gotten started. Start a daffodil countdown. Get ready for Spring.

Try and notice how each day is getting longer.

Start hoping for better days.

April 16th is my raison d’être.

My mind is fanatically focused on the day Where The Ley Lines Meet drops.

Any winter days between now and then will pass like a blur.

Now I must always be careful at this late stage of life not to wish away those 24 hour periods that mark our time here on earth. I must make each day count.

However, aging has provided me with the effects of Einstein’s relativity that has shrunk time – psychologically, each moment is measured against your collective time on earth so that the three month summer holiday after that one year in kindergarten was measured against your then existing 5 years of existence, and seemed to go one forever, whereupon three months compared to 67 years is a blink of an eye.

Come on, who else feels like summer is over once the Fourth of July is celebrated.

So, I can accept the passing of the Christmas holidays because I know that – assuming I’m still on this side of the veil, they’ll be back before I know it.

So, let’s get started towards Spring, shall we?

Thank God, today is Tuesday. The first Monday slid past painlessly (unless you were hungover).

The abbreviated work-week awaits. I’m sure it will be a time of shaking out cobwebs. A slow warm-up for most.

You fine, five readers open that window, take a deep breath and sniff the air. See if you can smell any flowers on the wind.

Spring will be here before we know it.

And that is a wonderful thing.

Now I must go out and cuddle some kitties, make my rounds.

2024 is going to be awesome.

But let’s not lose all perspective as we hurtle forward through time.

Let us make sure to slow down just enough to make today a great one.

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