Tom Connelly Saves The Day

I mentioned my latest trials and tribulations locating hay for my magnificent mules. Well, meet Tom Connelly, the man who saved the day for Claire & Honey, by providing me with 20 bales to keep them happy through the first part of autumn. Indeed, Claire came down to greet Tom while we were unloading the truck and to sample some of the hay right off the back to make sure it met with her approval.

She was so pleased she had me go inside and inscribe a copy of her debut novel for Tom before he left. Thank you Tom C.

Throughout our meeting, I kept having this weird sense of deja vu, a common occurrence at Casa Claire. It wasn’t until after Tom left that I realized he is a doppelganger for my brother, the Ginger.

That is, if the Ginger ever smiled.

Well, once the hay delivery was done and dusted, I ventured out front to make sure the trough was topped off. It was a beautiful day and my second favorite tree, The Old Man, was looking very dapper with his two sets of chimes on his branches. He was obviously campaigning for a photo op.

But Jack The Spruce got wind of it, once I strummed the chimes, and demanded equal time. Jack is magnificent. A first among equals. Indeed, he rivals Treebeard himself (and I urge my readers to go back to the end of TWA where JTS makes his move).

Who knew that the Ents and Huorns had such egos?

I must remember to commemorate them both next Arbor Day (Friday, April 26, 2024).

But the highlight of yesterday was an earlier breakfast trip to The Alley Cat Cafe in Ft. Collins.

There I added to the graffiti on the wall –

while Lisa and I enjoyed our respective delicious schmeared bagels and lattes, topped off with frothed cream leaves.

My books were again missing from the bookshelf, and I am surmising that they may have found their way to Ebay. Oh well, if the ROI keeps the seller in Ramen Noodles for the semester, I can live with that. A student has to eat.

Got to say hi to two other local writers, Eddy Cook and Lou Duran, also enjoying the bohemian college energy. I implore any other writers in the area (or those just passing through) to make their way to this cultural and creative mecca, and leave some books on the shelf for the Ramen aficionados. Eddy has confirmed that he has left quite a few over the years.

I love that the local artists hang their works on the wall for sale to the public. Someday, once I manifest that movie deal, I may have a sufficient disposable income to buy a piece or two. Mark Wahlberg, are you paying attention?

Well, it is Monday, but I’m looking to put a positive spin on it.

Time to make my moves.

But first a kitty cuddle and my rounds.

You fine, five readers shake off the cobwebs and get a move on as well.

I’ll see you back here tomorrow (God willing).

And even if its the first day of the work week, let’s make today a great one.

7 Responses

  1. After last night”s Giants’ comeback win, I am willing to grant you a wee bit of leeway re the postmodern Druidic musings. Yay, tree tree stuff!

    1. Yes Petey, my older brother and Ralph Droz (also in FJM) were droning on about the Giants win yesterday while I was trying to get a word in about the comet about to pass before the sun on the 23rd. Seems they have no fear of a Zombie Apocalypse. And as far as my worshipping of trees, just remember that that extremely religious Catholic, JRRT, was also a fan. I am in good stead either way.

  2. Tommy, The first thought I had was Geez that looks like Bernie. tom was sent to you for a reason. seems you have a new friend… I will never forget Bernie telling me at the cemetery that my eulogy for Maureen was wonderful. That will stick with me forever. The reason I am off topic is that the other day Helen and I walked into a store a saw a woman who would pass for Maureen in a heartbeat. I guess my little sister is with me alll the time…..
    Todays blog for me is a great start to the day.. raining here in Lewes,De. but I am writing and reading….. walk later when rain stops… Be Well and always regards to Lisa.

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