The Wise Novelist

‘Tis The Season. . .

After a busy day of chores, Lisa and I treated ourselves to a dinner with our dear friends, the extraterrestrials Everett and Michelle, at our favorite establishment, Mike O’Shay’s in Longmont.

That’s them, above, in their human form, center back.

The place was packed to the rafters (which, as an aside, is an amazing Aussie TV series).

The staff, including the gregarious Lonnie Bell, were run off their feet. But everyone, staff and patrons, were smiling. Lonnie, a fan of TCT, made it a point to come over and chat with E&M. If I didn’t have a Caprese sandwich half stuffed in my mouth at the moment, I would have snapped a photo.

Maybe next time. But the dinner and service were its usual top shelf. Highly recommend MOS to anyone living in the area or passing through NoCo on some kind of literary pilgrimmage. I understand it is rapidly closing on Key West’s Sloppy Joe’s Bar as a bucket list item for those who like to write or read.

But last night’s capacity crowd was there for good reason. Turns out that Longmont was having its Christmas parade. Wherever I turned, there was joy on the children’s faces. Pure Americana. Small town living at its best.

I couldn’t figure out how to upload the video of the high school band playing Feliz Navidad, so you just have to take my word for it that it was enjoyable. Well done Longmont.

These are the Hallmark moments of living in a smaller community. Everyone came out for the parade. They sat along the route in their lawn chairs, some wrapped in blankets. Neighbors were talking and laughing. There was free coffee and cookies being dispensed by the local businesses. The kids, some who were dressed up in costumes, were so excited, especially when the characters in the parade tossed candy to them as they passed.

And everyone was nice, except for one snippy lady who sharply told my wife not to stand so close to her.

And it wasn’t in the cool “Police” way:

Given that you could swing a cat without hitting another person, I was suprised to learn of this.

I didn’t witness the exchange or I would have immediately reverted to my New York form and told the women to kindly go fuck herself. It is a common Bronx term that can be used to replace a whole lot of social pleasantries. In this case it would have made a great substitute for “Merry Christmas.” I’m a little surprised that Lisa held her tongue, but, then again, even though she is a quintessential New Yorker, she wasn’t born in the City.

Just as well, why spoil the moment.

Anyway, other than that one blip on the radar, a good time was had by all.

Well, I still have a lot of Sunday chores ahead of me, so I better get at it.

But first, some kitty cuddling, rounds and torture.

Hopefully you fine, five readers have gotten the lion’s share of holiday preparations behind you and can put your feet up. Even God rested after a tough week.

So watch some football, or read a book.

But most of all, make today a great one.

4 Responses

  1. Love the new format Tommy! You and Lisa have certainly made moving from NY to CO an appealing prospect for those of us who are afraid to leave our comfort zone. (Although it’s not very comfortable to live around here anymore!) Love the Christmas parade. My town doesn’t have one, but we would go to Ridgewood the day after Thanksgiving for theirs, and it really puts one in the holiday spirit. Can’t wait to read FJM over the Christmas break. I predict a script will be your next project.

  2. A Christmas parade?! You are truly living in a city with the small town feel that are part of the holiday movies I watch on Hallmark and the Lifetime channels. As the saying goes”you are certainly not in Kansas anymore”. What a wonderful experience to share with friends and neighbors. As for that one woman, we have all learned there will always be ONE. But I’m glad she didn’t ruin the night for you or Lisa. ‘Tis the season….

    1. Thanks Eileen. The people around here are delightful. It’s nice to see everyone back outside enjoying life and the holidays.

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