The White Days

In the Islamic religion, the three days of the full moon in the middle of each lunar month are referred to as The White Days because the night is bathed in light

Pagans, of course, love the moon and all of its phases.

And the Wiccans call this three day period the “orb of power.” It’s a great time to banish from your life that which no longer serves you and to harness that which brings about a positive change.

My Celtic Ancestors considered the full moon to be a time of enhanced magical powers. They purposefully collected and engaged in practices that engaged the moon’s energy. It is considered a time of augmented intuition, when you should trust your instincts, and get in touch with your higher self.

I always enjoy the full moon, because the property surrounding Casa Claire is luminescent when I go out to check on Claire and Honey. While the rest of the normal world still sleeps, I get to steal some extra time from the day just for me.

Of course, that includes sharing some extra time with the eternally mystical Claire, whose eyes capture the lunar luminescence.

Precious moments.

Full moons are also a powerful time for healing. As you know, I’m a big fan of candles, and have lit many on behalf of friends and family.

“Light a candle.

Lighting a candle is one of the most efficient ways to make magick happen under the full moon. You can do whatever kind of candle spell you see fit, or maybe one specifically for the full moon. “Write down your intention on a piece of paper, fold it up, and place it under the candle,” says Sarah Potter, a tarot reader, psychic medium, and resident witch at the Ashbury Hotel. “When you light that candle you set the intention into motion.” (Spoiler alert: Writing down your intentions is key for so many full moon rituals.)”

The practice of lighting candles is a pillar in the faith I was raised in. “Catholics light candles as a way to show devotion and to offer prayers for themselves, loved ones, and the world at large.”

And given Lisa’s present and painful bout with Shingles, along with all traditional holistic treatments, I will leave nothing on the table.

Given the moon hits its celestial apex of the three day cycle today (Thursday) just short of 5:30 am (Mountain Time) this morning is a great time to get those intentions locked in at the peak.

So, I am going to spend the rest of the White Days focused on my intentions, engaging the lunar energy, releasing the negative, harnessing the positive and sending healing forces to Lisa.

Well, the sun is waiting for its entrance cue on the eastern horizon, and I need to make a move.

You fine, five readers finish those cuppas and set your immediate intentions, then get out there and wrap up whatever needs wrapping this fine Thursday, so that Friday’s intentions are focused solely on your weekend plans. That is when the best magic occurs.

Now I’m going to go out there and cuddle some kitties, and then do my rounds.

But whatever else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

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