The Real Jimmy Moran – Countdown to FJM – Let’s Play A Game.

This is my dear friend and brother from another mother, Jimmy Moran.

He is my demographic and retired from the NYPD. His two daughters also joined the greatest Police Department in the world. God protect the Blue.

One of them, Sara Moran, met and married my youngest son, Mark.

They are now a Blue Blood Family.

I call Jimmy “Jimmy Bensonhurst,” because that is where he grew up.,_Brooklyn

People from Brooklyn have a different accent than people from the Bronx. But it’s a fine accent. Jimmy’s is perfect.

The real Jimmy Moran has lots of stories to tell, he’s led a very interesting life, and before its over, I’m going to steal as many of those stories as I can.

When I was first writing TWA, I was looking for a good name to use for my protagonist once he crossed the WITSEC Rubicon. Given his roots, his street persona, his connections, and the fact that he’s just a really great guy, I decided on Jimmy Moran, to keep it in the family. Love you brother.

Now, over the last few months these blogs have included photos of people who have received author advanced copies of Finding Jimmy Moran and provided me with shots of just their eyes above the eyes on the cover. Some of those author’s copies have since been circulated to other readers, and they too have provided similar photos. Word of mouth is golden.

[To all of those readers, please post a review on Amazon, Black Rose Writing, BookBub, Goodreads, B&N and wherever else you can think of. Amazon will not let you post a review before April 13th, but if you can put that date down on your “To Do” calendar, I will greatly appreciate it. Reviews are the life blood to the writer.]

Eyes are a recurring motif in all the books, and especially in FJM, so pay attention.

Those readers that believed they have figured it out have sent me their photos. I’ll be reposting them over the next two weeks.

Everyone who knows me knows that I base most of my characters in my novels on someone I know now, or knew, once upon a time, growing up.

I mean, why recreate the wheel if you’ve already got a perfectly good rim, spokes and hub floating around in your memory.

I pepper the stories with events from my life. And for the record, they are all a complete fiction. I am a pathological liar. Walter Mitty. Or maybe Edward Bloom (Big Fish).

Spoiler alert. The penny story is true. And Spaghetti is real. So is Claire.

When it comes to characters, sometimes, like with Jimmy Moran, I borrow the name (with permission) and some defining characteristics from an actual person.

The real Jimmy Moran is a baddass wrapped in a sweetheart’s clothing. He’s the real deal.

So I borrowed accordingly.

Sometimes I borrow just the characteristics.

Now the funny thing about those eyes at the top of the cover of FJM, is that they belong to a mythical character. One of the Greek Muses.

People I have known all my life have tried to surmise if there is real person behind that character.

I ain’t saying.

Some of the people who have been sending me in these photos think they’ve got it figured out.


But I do enjoy this game. And if any of you readers feel like playing along, snap an “Eyes” photo with the book, like above, and send it to me with an email and your guess to “” Assuming there is a right answer, I will let you know if you got it.

Do not post that guess in the comments section. I don’t want the game ruined or cut short. Give everybody a chance to play. And it will help me sell some books. So, just include it in an email to me. If you guess right, I will let you know. If you post it in the comments, I will block you forever. Never mind the dark juju you will bring upon yourself. After all, we are talking about a mythical being.

And as a starting off teaser, I have to say, these eyes are pretty damn close. And there is real power in that set.

Thank you Debbie Droz. Yes, your husband Ralph, who I love dearly, and have known forever, is the basis for the named character in FJM. But everything else I say about him is fiction. How’s that, Ralph?

This set, too, is very close.

Thank you Kirsten Williams, one of my inside circle of readers. Definitely the right feel, but no cigar.

This is going to be fun.

So, as you fine, five readers begin to engage with FJM, share your photos and guesses with me. Let’s see where this game takes us. Hopefully, to the sequel, Where The Ley Lines Meet.

And tell your friends and family. Word of mouth drives sales.

Well, today is Friday, my favorite day of the week.

All Kindle versions of The Claire Trilogy (individual and box set) and Finding Jimmy Moran are in the top 100 Amazon Dark Humour Bestseller List, and TWA just hit 5300 global rating Amazon Reviews, so April is looking very promising.

I have an interesting video interview I’ll be doing a little later this morning then it’s a day of lawyering.

But before that, it’s a kitty cuddle and my rounds. I’m skipping the dreadmill due to interview.

You fine, five readers go manifest the perfect Friday of potential and promise.

Thank you all for your past and continuing support.

But most of all, make today a great one.

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