The Dungeon

When I get up each day it is still night time. I stop and take my first set of supplements in the main floor bathroom and then proceed to the lower floor which I like to call the Dungeon. I leave the light on the stairs so my dogs can follow me down once they hear the dogfood cans popping from their resting spots in the master suite on the third floor, which I like to call the Tower. There is usually enough ambient light on the first floor coming through the living room windows, especially during full moon phases,

for them to find their way, especially Jeter, whose eyes are old and a bit cataract.

But downstairs can be dark, so like Hotel 6, I leave the light on. By the time they get down I have their food ready. I then grab my second set of supplements, and then place “the rounds” veggies in the Brooks Brothers carry bag and place them over by the stairway for later. Then I put the coffee on, grab Claire & Honey’s first bag of chopped veggies and go out and feed them.

This morning Claire was waiting patiently by her bowl while Honey was sleeping in the barn. Claire usually stands watch during night hours. I heard Honey rustling from within as I headed back to the house. She can hear the chopped veggies bouncing off the bottom of her rubber dish as I pour it out of the bag.

I’ll usually take a quick look around outside to make sure there is nothing to worry about during the witching hour. Especially since I know Jeter will be wandering around marking his spots after he eats.

I usually inscribe and light a intention candle and burn some incense. Candles are the only rituals I ascribe magical intent. Keep it simple. Cast my wishes for the day.

Then I return to my brewed coffee and head over to the office and my computer. By then the dogs have eaten and returned from outside where they have done their business. Blue will have made her rounds of the property, so she climbs up on the couch in the basement living room and resumes her sleep while Jeter follows me into the office and grabs a cushion.

I usually have my feet up on the corner of my desk while I check emails. It helps me think.

I take a quick look at the emails. I used to go on Twitter/X, but then some foreign scumbags hacked my X account and despite my entreaties to X administrators, nothing was done, so I abandoned X. I put the word out to my friends to block the imposter.

It is a shame because I used to enjoy making morning rounds of the writers and other creative friends I had made there. All over the world. Just a quick hello to let them know I was thinking about them.

Then I blog.

Now on those short stretches when I am actually working on a book, I don’t blog or check social media. I don’t have the time.

I usually write by the chapter, not the number of words. Sometimes, if I’m on a roll, I’ll continue onto a second chapter.

I never know exactly what I’m writing at the time I am writing it. I just know I’m hanging with the characters and watching what’s going on with them. I don’t even remember the writing part of it.

At four a.m. I stop. If Lisa is working I go upstairs and wake her, then go feed/cuddle the cats. If Lisa is not working, she sleeps in and I may go back to the computer and take care of some emails or, if the weather permits, I’ll grab a cup of coffee on the back deck or in the front grotto. I don’t go back to writing until the next morning.

I do send off my writing to my inner circle of readers. They are great and I usually hear back from them throughout the day.

Sometimes they will raise issues with something I’ve written and we will debate the point in emails or texts. I love their challenges because it’s the first time I’ll actually go back and see what I have written. I never actually remember. If they are passionate enough about an issue, I will change it. I know they only have the best interests of the story at heart. And I think they like to give me shit. I love the honesty. I would be lost without them.

I know that if I get past the circle, I have something of value.

I also know that when the characters tell me they are done, the book is finished.

At 6:30, I’m out on my morning rounds.

Then it’s home, another feeding for Claire and Honey in the backyard, a shower and work.

For over a year, I used to squeeze the dreadmill into the post morning rounds. Maybe I’ll go back to it. I’m not missing the torture. And it was. Can’t put lipstick on a pig.

Well, here we are. 4 am.

Time to cuddle the kitties.

Lisa is a way, so it’s then a coffee on the back deck.

Then the rest of my chores.

I did everything else yesterday but I left the heaters for today.

Wish me luck.

You fine, five readers enjoy your day.

Church, if you feel the need. Some nod to the higher power. Football for sure.

But whatever we do, let’s make today a great one.

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