The Claire Saga – Where The Ley Lines Meet

It’s all smoke and mirrors. Amazon divides their books into various categories so that people with certain tastes in certain genres can find the new books out there that will tickle their fancy.

It’s also relative.

Thousands of books hit the market each day. If you are one of the heavy hitters, King, Rowling, DeMille, Grisham, the other boys and girls in the band, you are off in your own NYT Bestseller category, or Oprah is singing your praises in her book club, or The New Yorker is waxing cleverly about your latest book.

But for the rest of us among the great unwashed, you have to take your accolades where you can find them.

Luckily, Amazon has created a democracy that allows old bastards like me a chance to win in the lower leagues.

And I could not be more thrilled.

This morning, WTLLM not only cracked the top 50 in Amazon’s Humorous Science Fiction Category with the rest of its siblings in The Claire Saga, but it also landed at #79 in Metaphysical Science Fiction ebooks.

For us mere literary mortals, that is something to brag about.

Now you have to brag when it happens, because these ranking change by the hour.

So, this morning, when I went to check the rankings at about 3 am, I smiled. A real shit eating grin.

To you fine, five readers, who helped put me on this smaller map, many thanks. I greatly appreciate the support.

If you have weekend errands to do, get to them.

If you have a free moment later in the day, read a book, any book.

Now I have to get moving. Saturday chores await.

But first I need to cuddle some kitties and then do my rounds.

However, no matter what we get up to today, let us make it a great one.

7 Responses

  1. Take a bow (without hurting yourselfπŸ˜‰), Tom. As Sinatra put it, 🎢The best is yet to come….🎢

  2. You do your Druid things, I’ll cover your BIC posterior…πŸ™πŸ“ΏβœοΈπŸ“ΏπŸ™

  3. WAHOOOOO! Congrats!!! Top 50 and it’s not even out yet!!
    FIVE, not just one, books in the top 80!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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