Thank You Rhett Sandefer

I absolutely love my readers. I love all of the platforms they post on. I read as many reviews for my books as I can. Amazon is easiest for me, because it’s my primary sales platform, but I will try and check the others when I get the chance.

I love to interact with my readers when I can. I enjoy doing so on this website. I also like to do it on my FB page – I believe writers should remain accessible to their readers because without them we might as well just toss our stories in a drawer and leave them there.

Goodreads is one of those rare platforms where I can interact with my readers.

And it is technologically kind enough to let me know if a reader has a question for me. This morning I found a Goodreads question in my email. So, I went to investigate.

Rhett Sandefer is a Texan who knows his jets.

It appears he worked on some of the types of jets that appear in The Claire Saga and knows what base they fly out of. Those jets get to attack, chase and do battle with some of the good and bad extraterrestrials throughout the series.

Different models of jets fly out of different military air bases stationed around the country (and around the world).

Now only 1 in one thousand of my readers will know this kind of detail.

Rhett is that 1 in 1000 reader with an expertise in military jets and bases beyond the average reader.

So, this morning’s Goodreads question led to the following exchange.

For clarification:

Now the idea that – despite the mix-up of the Argonauts and the Rough Raiders – my books can entertain and engage a reader with Rhett’s military and mechanical background is a complete win for me. So, Rhett, thanks for that feed back (and your service). And remember, tell all of your friends. Hee haw. And tell them all that the Kindle version of The Wise Ass is free for Amazon Prime Members through the end of August. I have to get my numbers up if I am to have any hope of wrangling a Hollywood deal.

Of course, if this wasn’t a magical Friday, I would be firing the last set of typing elves for allowing that mix-up to slide through. I’m certain Claire got it right when she dictated it.

I’m not even going to mention it to Claire.

However, no harm, no foul.

Well, now it’s time to get a move on.

You fine, five readers forget you ever heard mention of the Argonauts-147 and Rough Riders-125 affair. Put it out of your minds. Extraterrestrials do not worry about the breed of the guard dog chasing them or where they come from. Just the size of their teeth. And US warplanes all have huge teeth. Thank God. Enough said.

Go have that last cuppa joe and head out to glide through your Friday. The weekend is calling.

Thanks again Rhett, for having my 6, you rock. Remember, tell all those military buddies who like to read on their free time.

I’m going to head out and cuddle some kitties. Then my rounds.

But, no matter what we get up to, let us make today a great one.

4 Responses

  1. Bravo Zulu, Rhett. As the proud uncle of a SWO (who is depicted as a priest in WTLLM) who has had nothing but great interactions w Naval and Marine aviators while serving aboard amphibs and among his USNA schoolmates, I particularly enjoyed your dialogue with the Druid Dude re squadron designations.

    1. And Rhett, the above post is by the Pete Sheridan, who along with his dog Fergus, provide the basis for two of the other military characters in WTLLM.

    2. Thank you for your service Pete! Tom should have bought a lottery ticket. He found probably the one reader that served in VFA-147 and is an F-35 mechanic currently and has read the “Claire Saga” out of the blue. Actually, I’m the lucky one. My wife found and read “The Wise Ass” and tossed it on my night stand. I was hooked.

  2. Rhett: I am no Tim Walz! My only military service is in the magical world of The Claire Saga. My nephew, however, is a Real Deal SWO w four forward deployments to the China Sea /Taiwan Strait – and precious little time in Japanese homeports (Yokosuka and Sasebo). His first summer cruise as a USNA midshipman was aboard USS America (LHA-6}. The impression that the Marine NCOs left upon him was indelible!

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