
You just cannot beat lunar energy, especially during a full moon, and especially when that full moon is a perigean full moon a/k/a Supermoon.

While a normal full moon usually runs a three day cycle where it appears full to the naked eye, supermoons can extend that appearance and effect on both ends of that tri-cycle.

This full moon – also known as the Hunter’s Moon (although to borrow from Woody Allen/Midnight in Paris, I hope you are only hunting for love or bargains) – will reach its apex over NYC on Thursday at around 7:27 am (5:27 am in God’s country).

Full moons are renown for their mystical properties.

I love this season, as it thins the veil and brings us into closer contact with our ancestors and deceased loved ones, who are always looking out for us. A great time to be a Celt.

I will most definitely get out there for some serious grounding over the next few nights and I already have my Blue Supermoon Intentions Candle going.

But you don’t have to be a dabbling Druid to enjoy this lunar cycle. On a purely aesthetic level it is breathtaking. Here it is bathing Casa Claire this morning during the witching hour.

But if you do happen to be out under its light over the next few nights, go ahead, make that wish, set that intention, pray, if that works for you, no one but you will know. 😉

Well, I need to go about my daily deeds.

You fine, five readers suck down that last cuppa and attack the hump. Wave at Friday standing over Thursday’s shoulder to let the weekend know you are coming in hot. Take care of business now so you can wrap it all up on Thursday, at the apex of this full moon. Nice time to shine like the full moon at work.

I’m going to go out to cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

Let us all remember to make this day a great one.

And go ahead, take that extra moment to enjoy a little magic in your life.

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