Sun and Fog

Yesterday’s weather started out nice enough. When I say nice enough, I mean that despite it snowing most of Saturday, the sky was azure (blue being one of the primary colors I can see clearly), one of God’s fingernails dotted the sky, and there was plenty of sun to give the fallen snow at Casa Claire that Winter Wonderland feel to it.

Clair and Honey came up front early to greet me upon my return from my rounds.

And even the fairies didn’t seem to mind the cold.

By early afternoon, the brilliant sun was almost warm. Almost.

Since I did not want to go outside, and I had gotten most of the chores done Saturday, Lisa and I spent the afternoon taking care of things we normally don’t get to around to checking on inside of the house.

For example, we used some of that free time checking on the stored CC armaments, loading extra magazines, and dry firing handguns in the basement – quadruple checking the emptied chambers and always practicing extreme safety first and foremost – to make sure they are functioning. They are.

You see, the writer in me is a big fan of the First Amendment, and the Bronx Boy turned flyover citizen is a big fan of the Second Amendment. I carry my CCP with my S&W MP Shield everywhere to prove it. I pray neither ever see the light of day.

Like any other form of insurance, you hope you never have to file a claim, but you sleep better knowing you have the right coverage.

My Libertarian tendencies follow the general tenets of “Live and Let Live.”

Just so there is no confusion, as nicely summarized by my AI this morning, Live and Let Live –

“is a process that can be characterized as the deliberate abstaining from the use of violence during war. Sometimes it can take the form of overt truces or pacts negotiated locally by soldiers. At other times it can be a tacit behavior—sometimes characterized as “letting sleeping dogs lie”—whereby both sides refrain from firing or using their weapons, or deliberately discharge them in a ritualistic or routine way that signals their non-lethal intent.”

However, situational awareness is a fundamental code of most New Yorkers’ DNA. If you have made it into your sixth decade as a New Yorker, you understand Darwinism. Since charity begins at home, and the world is a scary place, one must plan accordingly.

Speaking of world, we also checked on our passports, which turns out are due for renewal, so that will be the next family project. Lisa has been thinking about filling the balloon and visiting Oz. Vaya con dios.

I cannot leave the fur family for an extended period, and any 30 hour flight to Oz requires an extended absence, not a weekend jaunt, so modern technology will remain my lifeline to my offspring and his offspring down under.

Then around mid-afternoon, Alexa sent me the following text:

She wasn’t lying.

Cue zombies.

But, with a final check on the mules, who remained safely by their barn, and Blue, Lisa and I safely within the home, the evening and weekend ended uneventfully but deliciously with me making some angel hair pasta with four cheese red and mushroom sauce. And that is about as exotic as my culinary skills get.

But even the most peaceful Sundays inevitably lead to another Monday, so I better get at it.

You fine, five readers have that third cuppa and head out into the world, your family will thank you for your dedication.

I’m going to cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

Luckily the fog has lifted and the world is waking up.

Time to get at it.

So, whatever else we may get up to as we advance out into this new work week, let us remember to make today a great one.

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