Sturgeon Moon

Sunday through Tuesday is the three day cycle for August’s full moon – called the Sturgeon Moon because of the large number of Sturgeon fish found in the Great Lakes this time of year.

It was a beauty this morning.

Casa Claire was lit in the soft moonlight amplified by the fact that this is a Super Blue Moon.

Super Moons occur when the center of the Full or New Moon that occurs is closer than 223,694 miles to the center of Earth, in the Full Moon’s case making it appear larger and brighter than the average full moon.

Blue Moons occur when there is a fourth full moon in any of the three-month-long, four seasons of any year. Another way to achieve the title is if there are two full moons in one calendar month. This year it’s the former, last year it was the latter.

Of course, as with any unique natural event, there are heightened spiritual influences at play.

So, given that the apex of this rare lunar phenomenon occurs tonight, it’s a great time to get your energy aligned, your intuition tweaked, and your cosmic journey properly all mapped out.

It is also a great time to manifest. It starts and ends with gratitude. I am grateful for all I have received, including the fine, five readers (Claire’s Theorem) that read this blog at any one time. Never more, never less. So, if you are reading this, there are four other sets of eyes reading this at this same moment.

I’ve got my intention candles (blue, of course) and incense burning.

And given that this moon is energetically turbocharged, I’m reaching for the stars.

As soon as this is posted, I’m getting back out there with my coffee for some serious grounding.

Even though this is a Monday, I’m hoping the Universe slow walks it so I can set that intention hook as deep as possible. Got a big September coming up as a writer so I’m looking for the type of momentum that catapults careers to heightened levels. Luckily, I’ll have another Super Moon on September 18th, to give me a timely boost. For those of you who have not yet experienced The Claire Saga, The Wise Ass is still available as a free Kindle download for Prime Members through the end of August. So why wait?

But we now must turn to our present work weeks, so you fine, five readers get that last cuppa into you and head out there, the world needs the candoers, and rainmakers. And Friday, like Heaven, will always be waiting for you.

I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make. And a second breakfast to serve.

Then let’s see what the legal world has in store.

Lots to manifest.

But no matter what else we get up to, let us always be grateful, and let’s make today a great one.

One Response

  1. So… now we are “coffee-grounding?” I see great commercial potential here… maybe a small wine making gig… “Frodo Vineyards?”

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