Strawberry Moon

The last few days leading into this June Solar Solstice and Full Moon have been interesting.

For example, when Lisa and I drove up to Scheels Store to pick up her own handgun (we respectfully practice our Second Amendment right), after the government mandated waiting period,

(although I’ve been quite vocal in offering her mine whenever she desired,) I got to see that amazing store’s latest aquatic acquisition.

Always wondered what happened to Diver Dan (still working that air hose). Someone’s really going to have to tighten those offshore fishing regulations. Deadliest Catch, Indeed.

And then, yesterday morning, when I drove to Walmart first thing after my rounds to pick up more fruits and veggies for Claire and Honey, I was the only one on County Road 4 when the Universe sent me an unmistakable sign that I am on the right path with The Claire Saga,

A valentine,

or maybe it was a giant strawberry, to celebrate the Full Moon.

Full Moons are for launching projects:

“Launching on a New Moon (the first of eight moon phases) will help you seed a longer-term project, especially if you set an intention for how you want to feel. It’s a quieter energy, a time to plant seeds and wait for these to bear fruit . . . . there can be more ‘pop’ in launching on a Full Moon (the fifth of eight moon phases). The light may give your projects greater visibility.”,Full%20Moon%20%28the%20fifth%20of%20eight%20moon%20phases%29.

So, I’m leaning into the positive, and launching my well candled intentions to give JRRT and JKR a run for their fans’ money by expanding my reading base to the point where Hollywood can no longer ignore the inevitable.

Claire will ultimately take filmgoers by storm. The epic story is complete and emotionally satisfying in a way where the readers tell you they want more. The reviewers have spoken (here’s a sample from WTLLM.)

Now think about this, most of my reviews come from women. I’m guessing 90% of Claire’s fan base are female (sorry guys but the truth is that men do not read half as much as women.) Despite being a dark humor flavored, science fiction and fantasy story, this finale is action packed from the first to last pages AND women love it! Now I’m guessing that may be because the story has so many intelligent, amazing and powerful female characters – you write what you know (lot’s of film roles for the taking) – throughout the entirety of TCS, beginning with Claire the Magical Mule. But the male characters also have their appeal (yep, WTLLM has got that Expendables meets Guardians of the Galaxy feel to it). From the very beginning of TWA, and then throughout AAA, KMAG, and FJM, Jimmy Moran meets and leads a crew of bad ass hombres – human, cryptic and extraterrestrial – and testosterone on each of those levels seems to be back in vogue. And there is a lot of love shared among the characters. Indeed, on many levels, WTLLM is one unrelenting, emotional climax.

Now it’s just a waiting game to see what canny producer will be the lucky one to scoop up the film rights.

Everyone else in Hollywood will be kicking themselves over the missed opportunity.

Claire has instructed me that I cannot continue with the next series – yes, another possible epic story line remains – until this one launches on the big screen. If she doesn’t share the story with me, I can’t write it.

So, you fine, five readers, now that the Summer is officially upon us, make sure you carry your copies of TCS along with you on every short and extended vacation this summer – just leave them lying around in plain sight – and tell all of your friends what a great film series The Claire Saga would be.

Claire will be forever grateful. So will I.

Now, have I mentioned that today is Friday! TGIF.

You fine, five readers go slip through whatever pretense of employment you have to and then get out there and enjoy yourselves tonight. Pick some strawberries and pop them into your alcohol (or ice cream).

It’s the apex of the Strawberry Moon. Great mojo!

I’m going to make sure I get some more grounding in. Hobbit feet akimbo.

I sat there so still last night that the flies thought I was dead, and I just didn’t have it in me to swat them.

But now I’m heading out to cuddle some kitties and then make my rounds.

And no matter what we all get up to this good Friday, let us make today a great one.

5 Responses

  1. Wow… that last pic… In the words of our #LittleRockStar, Colleen Lawlor, “Sunscreen, Irish Dude!”🙄😎👣☘️

  2. I loved The Wise Ass. Especially liked understanding how the lawyer end of things work. That is what makes the “story” real. I am thankful that Jimmy didn’t die. Tell Claire I am so sorry about Mr. Rogers. I am only finishing up An Alien Appeal but am fascinated with your imagination. And this would make a great film . In health; be safe….Katz

    1. Thank you Katz! And please do me a favor and post those reviews on Amazon. Every single one of them – for every single book – counts towards making The Claire Saga a success and will advance my cause of getting Hollywood interested. Thanks again.

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