Spiders and Rainbows

I cannot help it. I am an eternal optimist. And by that nature, I’m always looking for signs that support that outlook. I find a lot of support in nature.

I won’t kill anything that doesn’t directly and imminently threaten my existence. Not even a fly.

Now during the summer months there is no avoiding having flies in your NoCo home. They can be annoying as shit, and they drive my wife crazy (they fall upon a very long list of such things and given I appear on that same list, there is a certain comradery between me and flies).

But I don’t interfere with the natural order of things so if an annoying fly just happens to cross a NoCo spider, that’s survival of the fittest.

Did I mention that I also don’t interfere with the spiders that set up shop at Casa Claire?

They are pretty big as spiders go.

Given that I believe all creatures are sentient, and given that my grans are usually the ones that first happen upon the spiders and their webs, and then go racing to show us, I address all the spiders by name, Charlotte, so as not to alarm the kiddoes.

And I explain that they are harbingers of good luck.


And then I add, “Don’t fuck with them.” Which always draws a laugh from the grans.

The Casa Claire Charlottes seem to set their webs on a short term basis, depending where the flies are most prevalent. They remind me of those roadside Palisade Peaches or fireworks displays. Location, location, location. One day they appear and the next day they’re gone. Blink and you’ll miss them.

This Charlotte had the audacity of attaching her web to my boxed up new TV set. She knows she is safe until the rest of the family relocates in a few weeks. And she spun a really wonderful web. It is right off the back door that remains open so that Claire can keep her head poked through the opening and appreciate the tv, music and airconditioning funneling out past her head and shoulders.

As the flies also annoy Claire, she is more than happy to direct them towards the web as they pass her. Every creature has its dark side.

Happy hunting Charlotte. Flies, you are on your own.

I am also a huge fan of rainbows.

Early after my arrival in NoCo, I spotted this amazing rainbow over Beverly Drive and hopped out of my Toyota (yes, the one from the books) to snap this photo.

This rainbow has brought me nothing but good luck here ar Casa Claire.

Indeed, I use it as the introductory photo to this website.

Now, yesterday’s weather was interesting.

When I went to give Claire and Honey their last meal of the evening, the lighting from the sky and the old barn against the front of the new barn gave it a Andrew Wyeth feel to it.

But that same ominous sky provided a wonderful rainbow just a few minutes later. Georgie called out through the house to the family that we should all get out back and witness the rainbow. So we all exited the nearest doorways.

And spotted this beautiful Tower of Pisa. And snapped a photo and a video (the latter appearing on my FB page with Kermit the Frog’s wonderful Rainbow Connection)


And of course felt all the good energy that flows from such sightings, like new beginnings, hope and luck.


One more blessing at Casa Claire.

Well, let’s see where my luck leads me.

But the dawn is now approaching so I have to get a move on.

You fine, five readers wrap up your work by COB this fine Thursday. Friday is for dreaming.

I’m heading out to cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.

Feeling lucky.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us all make today a great one.


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