Snow Magic

Sometimes that first real snow is magical.

It falls upon the mystical statuary and sits there like this pure powdery layer of beauty, nature’s perfect accessory.

But that same snow also lets you know that Mother Nature remains in charge.

And thank God, we got those coats on Claire and Honey before the storm hit.

Claire always seems completely unaffected by the weather. But I did reach beneath Claire’s coat to make sure her body was warm. Nice and toasty. She still performs her walking of the entire perimeter on all sides of the property, while Honey hunkers down beside the closest structure to block the wind and waits for Claire to return. Honey makes it clear that she’s happy to keep as warm as possible. She always bogarts the heater by the table when they eat and always sleeps directly under the heaters in the barn. She is quite happy to wear the cowl.

Claire wears the snow on her mane like Jamaican beaded braids.

For the first time the mules didn’t bale from the barn at my approach come feeding time during the dark hours. I always call out when I first enter the side corral in the dark so I don’t startle them. They pretty much ignored me when I entered and just let me fill their dishes and then exit, quietly, like the perfect English Butler. I guess I’m the lesser of two evils when it comes to the weather. Plus, I do provide 5 star service and mule meals.

Throughout the slow but steady storm, I did appreciate being on the inside looking out. I was able to focus on fantasy, not survival. My house is warm. It is dry. I am blessed. I know many others are not. I do what little I can as those moments of daily interaction in the real world arise. Someday, when there is movie money in my pocket, and there will be, I hope to do more. We’ll see what the Universe provides.

The feral cats are alive and well and are thrilled that I’ve added and extra mid day service on the front porch. You can’t leave a meal too long in the cold. So you need to replace them. The uneaten food quickly becomes frozen treats that the dogs love when I bring them inside.

Smokey abandoned the bunker for her original barn across the way. So Mittens has been thrilled taking over the convenient new digs right by the restaurant. As long as some creature is benefitting from the warm and safe place to sleep, the electricity will stay on. If Smokey starts to complain, we’ll add a second bunker.

The inclement weather gave me a psychological excuse not to go outside. Luckily, the house is large enough to prevent cabin fever, although I did make a Walmart run to restock on some fruits and other necessities.

Lisa and I spent the late afternoon watching a brilliant film, Big Fish, with Albert Finney, Jessica Lang, Ewan MacGregor, Steve Buscemi, Billy Crudup, Helena Bonham Carter, Robert Guillaume, Danny Devito and, one of my favorites, Marion Cotillard. To add just the right magical touch, Deep Roy and Steve McGrory were wonderful as well.

I identify with Edward Bloom on so many levels. I wonder what the witch’s glass eye holds for me.

Well, even though it is still snowing, I have lots to do today. So I better get at it.

I hope the Thanksgiving cobwebs have cleared and that you’ve all have fun plans for your Saturday.

Be safe. Be warm. Be happy.

And no matter what else we do, let us make today a great one.

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