Smokey Meets The Grand Kahuna – Age of Aquarius

Lisa has decided that it is now remaining cold enough at night on a regular basis that the Grand Kahuna – our fireplace – needed to be cleaned and readied for the winter season.

So, while I spent more time than I liked in our kitchen deep cleaning our stove and oven (another one of her pre-Thanksgiving projects) – Lisa, now recovered enough from her Shingles after a solid month to notice how badly I suck at housekeeping – got to work on the GK. Lisa’s results were far more impressive than mine. Always are.

I never knew GK could breath fire from his nostrils. Always something new at Casa Claire.

But I cannot be jealous of Lisa’s superior Better Homes results (I’m quite used to losing on aesthetics), as it did feel nice when I finally got to enjoy it from my recliner.

And Smokey seemed fascinated when she was introduced to GK a little later upon her return inside from an afternoon of visiting her feral friends.

I’m not sure GK ever really warms the house all that much, but visually, an old school, floor to ceiling stone behemoth like GK holding court in a living room with the accompanying scent of smoke and the sound of crackling wood triggers a psychological effect of making one feel more comfy and cozy.

And that feeling is genetically deep rooted and primal. For once upon a time, our ancestors sat in circles around similar fires within the 20 foot perimeter of its light (I asked AI) hoping the fire would deter all of the really scary shit that lurked in the darkness beyond, where its light never reaches.

And most creatures, including Smokey, like to lurk in the netherworld,

just beyond the reach and safety of the light.

The Grand Kahuna’s fire provides me similar comfort out here in the wilds of NoCo. But I always know where my guns remain locked and loaded, always within reach, metaphorically and literally.

Well, night always gives over to daylight, and I see some of the latter rustling beyond my eastern horizon. So, it’s time to make moves.

You fine, five readers finish those final caffeine cuppas, get your skates on, and attack the hump. Wave to Friday from its peak, and if you strain those eyes, you’ll see the warm glow of Thanksgiving in the shadows beyond.

But before any of that, you need to earn your keep, so show your bosses (or clients) why you are worth all that money and get out there and be a star.

I’m going to go show my kitties and those other wonderful creatures in my universe why it’s worth having me around.

But whatever else we each and all get up to, let us make today a great one.,vid:ajgeaOt_HTQ,st:0

Oh, and if anyone was paying attention, as of yesterday, we have officially entered the Age of Aquarius.,advancements%2C%20and%20technological%20achievements.%E2%80%9D

So, let the sun shine in.

One Response

  1. Before you let your hair down (figuratively!) and let your Freak Flag fly for the Age of Aquarius, you might want to chuck some turf bricks on that GK Bad Boy… Just sayin’ ☘️💯✅️

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