I know, I know, but I’ve told you all along that when it comes to my books I am shameless.

Who am I kidding, I am shameless – full stop!

You may need to download the Kindle App on your iPhone to actually read the books.

But this, for me, is a little experiment about the power of social media.

My dear friend, Kim Russo, yes that famous psychic who is absolutely amazing –

– told me before Finding Jimmy Moran dropped that I had to go on Face Book.

I had avoided going on that platform – restricting my social media presence to an old Twitter Account that has since been hacked by Russians – so if you see a Wisecelt in X, it’s not me. Dasvidaniya!

Anyway, I needed a place to replicate this Blog beyond my fine, five readers (Claire’s Theorem) so I followed Kim’s advice and started my FB account just when FJM dropped.

Now FB has been wonderful because it has allowed me to reconnect with a lot of friends from Riverdale and my High School years. I know some of the 371 friends that I have collected on FB since then are probably bots and/or pretty young things trying to get me to join their list of sad old fuckers desperately seeking their attention. That’s okay, their sexy pictures on my friend feed catch the eye and make people stop and check out my web page – like calendar models from the last century – so it’s free visual advertising. Woke or not, T&A still sells.

And I may be old – I sure look old – but I’m not sad. . . yet. My wife, Lisa, still thinks I’ve got it. Don’t cha honey?

Crickets . . . . .

But I never had the opportunity to see if social media actually affected my ability to sell books.

So, when Amazon made this ridiculous offer to sell the Kindle Combined Three Book Set of The Claire Trilogy – The Wise Ass, An Alien Appeal, and Kissing My Ass Goodbye – for $1.99 – FOR TODAY ONLY – I figured, let’s go all out and hype the shit out of it and see if it makes a difference. My publisher will be able to figure it out to see if there is a spike in sales today. I hope to pleasantly shock Reagan Rothe.

You see, I will make pennies on this sale. Literally. But I pray – and it is Sunday (so Pete Sheridan, say an extra prayer for me) – that a whole bunch of new readers who spend the two bucks all fall in love with the magical Claire and the rest of the mystical misfits that form her motley crew.

I also hope that a whole bunch of old readers take this opportunity to send The Claire Trilogy Kindle Box Set as holiday gifts to their friends and family.

If I’m not making any real money on this sale, why is it important to me?

Well, I’m betting that if a reader spends $1.99 on a three book series, they will at least start reading The Wise Ass. I also know that if they like John Grisham, they will love the first half of that book. I also know that if they read as far as to where Jimmy Moran meets Claire the Mule, I’ve got them. Hook, line and sinker. Even if they normally don’t venture into fantasy and sci-fi, they will not stop reading until they have read the last page of KMAG. And that is the magic. Literary crack. And the first hit is cheap.

And this is important to me because I want people to read my books. I want them to share in the story. Meet my friends. I want them to tell their friends, “You have to read this shit, it’s insane. Couldn’t put it down.”

And I know that once they are hooked, they’ll come looking for the other books. Finding Jimmy Moran is a prequel to TCT, told by the fully evolved, hybrid, Jimmy Moran in retrospect, with the humorous and touching assistance of his best friend forever, Claire. In FJM you learn that Jimmy’s life has been magical from his childhood, you meet some more wonderful characters and it’s chock full of Easter eggs suggesting what has occurred post-TCT, that you then read about in Where The Ley Lines Meet.

And WTLLM is amazing. The elves outdid themselves writing that one. You will not want it to end.

So, hopefully, when the readers check out the $1.99 sale of Kindle Box Set of The Claire Trilogy

they will also check out the Kindle web pages for FJM and WTLLM.

and they’ll figure, damn, I can pick up the five volume Kindle version of The Claire Saga in its entirety for just $13.97, all in.

Now just think about that. All five books in The Claire Saga tucked safely away in your iPhone or Kindle screen, for those magic moments you steal away from reality and travel the universe with the coolest crew ever. And what an amazing gift – probably a solid week to ten days of reading – with intermittent bouts of cathartic, uncontrollable laughter and tears sprinkled throughout – for someone you love. All for less than $14.00!

And when today leads the reading public to critical mass overdosing on The Claire Saga, someone in Hollywood is going to notice.

And that is my return on investment.

Then Claire will spread like a virus among everyone with a large flat screen on their wall.

And when the marketing majors in all the universities throughout the world all spend a semester trying to figure out how it all happened, they are going to excavate this Blog, and decide it all started here, on December 10th, 2023, when the Amazon servers crashed trying to meet the demand for the $1.99 Kindle Combined Set of The Claire Trilogy.

Hey, it could happen.

If we all tell our family and friends.

So thank you, my fine, five readers, in advance, for helping this old dog make literary history.

Claire sends her thanks as well.

Who needs Oprah, when I have this crew.

Well, it may be Sunday but there is no rest for the wicked.

Chores to do. So, I better get started.

Kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

I hope you fine, five readers get to enjoy your day of rest – God’s orders.

But, even if this has all been just one big fantasy in my head, let us all go out there and make today a great one.

Thanks for everything.

4 Responses

  1. Bought them, shared on social media, and excited to see how your sales go today! Best of luck today, Tom! I believe this will make three copies of Wise Ass and two of the others 😆 I believe that makes me a super fan!

    1. Kerry, you are the best. I so appreciate your support. And your debut novel, Sedona, is amazing and I highly recommend it to all of my friends and followers.

  2. Hey Tommy, looking great in today’s picture.

    I just bought your first three excellent works and promoted this sale on Facebook.

    Best of luck!

  3. Bought and shared. Then got a good chuckle out of this latest blog. You are truly a funny guy Tom.

    So how did the one day sale go?

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