Repurposing With Purpose

My constant little companion, Jeter, had one particular bed he used to nap on in my living room. It sat in the front of the room and directly below the TV. He would often hide snacks he was saving for later in its seams and corners. Blue would always wait for Jeter to hide the snacks and then, when Jeter left, Blue would gobble them up.

Jeter and my feral cats had a mutual respect for each other. Jeter was always ballsy and quick enough to sneak out the front door whenever we would be going out to feed the cats. Once outside, he would hide behind Jack the Spruce and wait for us to return inside and then he would appear on the deck and gobble up the cat food before we realized what he had done. Then, mission accomplished, he would bark to be let back inside.

Of course, that was usually the same time Blue would be gobbling up Jeter’s hidden snacks, so turn about is fair play.

But Jeter never chased the cats. That is probably because he realized that they would probably have thrown him a beating. A man has to know his limitations.

Indeed, the cats never minded Jeter coming out to swipe their food. They knew the drill. They also knew we would come out, see what Jeter had done, and refill their plates with even more that we had originally set out. A win-win for everyone involved.

Once the cats eat, they often wander off to where ever they must come from, returning to our front porch a few times each day for their meals. Smokey will usually stick around for some cuddles.

Sometimes Smokey will hang around the property waiting for us to return from wherever. The natural wood of the rails is warmer than the earth, and you are only as warm as your coldest part.

Now, even on a cold day, because of the elevation, the afternoon sun can feel warm. But I’ve also noticed that the cats will sit on the front door mat on the front porch to keep their feet from being too cold against the composite decking. So yesterday, I decided to see if I could make better use of Jeter’s TV bed and placed it out against the wall on the front porch.

Given that it had Jeter’s scent all over it, I wasn’t sure the cats would make use of it.

I was pleasantly surprised when Lisa called out that Smokey had taken up residence.

I knew Jeter was pleased.

I also know how hard it is to look below the TV and just see bare floor, and maybe some dust elephants underneath the heavy piece of furniture just below the TV, but I find solace in the fact that even in passing, McCaffrey creatures pay it forward. Jeter lives on in his gifts to the feral cats.

Well, it’s Tuesday, Monday and the Super Bowl flu are behind the citizenry. The work week will begin in earnest, so I better get moving.

You fine, five readers, get your last cuppa in you and set out against the world of commerce. But, if you see an opportunity to make any creature’s life a little better, take it. Trust me, you will feel so much better than the best you could otherwise feel that day.

I’m going to go cuddle some kitties. And then see to my rounds.

But no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

6 Responses

  1. thanks for the wintry weather you sent us. it actually looks nice. and probably the fact that i can stay home is even better. I put my walking miles in yesterday and will resume tomorrow. Hopefully if snow stops later as predicted I will get to beach for a sunset.

    I am sure Jeter is glad you are recycling his bed……

    have a great day Tommy.

  2. If you want to know where it is warmest outside, follow the cat That is really nice of you to put Jeter’s bed out front in the sun for Smokey since the other cat swiped his comfy nest. That looks like a good spot to me. You and Lisa take great care of your fur family and they will take care of you. Thanks for the mention in yesterdays blog. My dad is smiling.

  3. Wow! What a great story! It really made my day. Your ending message is spot on. Words to live life by.
    Like you, I have a furry best friend. She’s a mini goldendoodle, bigger than Jeter, but not by much. I include a role for her my novels and she’s the only character who gets her actual name.

  4. Lovely story. I’m sure you miss Jeter so much. But it is a cosy feeling to know that Smokey is warm and happy.

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