Relationships Matter

That’s the Canadian writer Sheila E. Young. Her book “Mac” is an amazing, action-packed adventure that has a solid Irish Catholic favor that instantly appealed to me. I highly recommend it. Posted a review to that effect moths ago.

I’ve developed an on-line friendship with Sheila and a number of other writers, artists, and readers over the past few years. I interact with them all over the country and the world.

And there are so many more, I just don’t have the room to list them. I add new ones every day. That’s not even counting my BRW buddies. They are all amazing people who I have learned will go out of their way to help another creative.

They are fun to interact with. Witty. I’ve read a lot of their work. I’m always jealous of their talents and appreciative of their support.

It also feels a lot less lonely carrying the creative load when you have others who understand the process.

It’s like a regular on-line coffee shop where you can drop in and say hello to the rest of the gang. A huge Algonquin round table.

And I’m amazed at their repeated selflessness. At various points throughout the years we have celebrated each others wins because we all understand that this is not a competition. There are plenty of readers out there for all of us, and the more anyone one of us gets someone to read, the better chance another of us will benefit from that reader. A rising tide floats all boats.

So, if I was going to give a young and/or new writer any advice, it would be to cultivate relationships with other creatives.  Don’t go into it looking to get something back.  Give without expectation.  Be a friend.
Karma will take care of the rest.
The Lost Generation understood that idea.

So did the Romantic Poets, The Beats, The Inklings.

Maybe we need a moniker to make it stick. The Tweets?!
Relationships matter.
So I would like to thank Sheila E. Young for making that extra effort and plugging FJM in the Bushmills Distillery, back Home in the North.   It’s been a popular posting. 
Sheila, I owe you one. 
Well, it’s Hump Day, so we better get at it.
You fine, five readers, get your skates on and cruise over the hump.
Wave at Friday in the distance. 
I’ve got to get out there and cuddle my kitty, make my rounds and then the dreadmill.
No matter what else we do today, let’s make it a great one.

It is starting out pretty good.

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