Yesterday, I was blessed by the unexpected intercession of friends. First out of the box, was my dear friend, legal colleague from back in GFM days last century, and now a literary colleague at BRW, Marissa Bañez.
Anyone with access to young children needs to get a copy of her series.
Some of you fine, five readers may have caught yesterday’s blog about me putting together flyers for my upcoming NY. (If you haven’t you should do so and be sure to read BC’s pie comment in the section below).
Anyway, you will have noticed my purely rudimentary, missing-pet, fridge-worthy level of a flyer I had created and adapted for both events at the very last minute.
Well, Marissa (who had offered to do it for me months ago) saw them and, like a good mother, stepped in voluntarily to prevent me from embarrassing myself with a second rate school project by creating two professional looking versions which I gratefully accepted and sent out to the appropriate people at An Beal Bocht Cafe and Downey’s Bar & Grill.

Thank you Marissa. You rock! See you in NY.
Now, if that wasn’t enough to make my day, towards its end, two of my neighbors, sisters Sally & Sue, brought over a gift that had been in their family barn for a long time. S&S and Sally’s husband Dick Smeeding who appears in an earlier blog about the wildfires, will be moving north to a new state and home. They have lived in Berthoud estates since early days. Their last horse passed a few years back and they had kept a lot of wonderful tackle in their barn.
They wanted me to have one of their more unusual but incredible magical pieces for Claire’s New Barn. Their way of becoming forever part of the Claire & Honey, Casa Claire story. And they have.
When I saw the gift, I knew exactly where it would go.
First I decided to relocate the “McCaffrey” nameplate to inside one of the sliding doors.

And then I hung this very expensive antique, converted via the Arts & Crafts style movement,
From a rare piece you would be lucky to find on ebay.

To a wonderful accessory that is now the jewel in the crown of Claire’s Wee Laire:

Yes, these lovely sisters do share a wonderfully magically hobbity look.
And don’t think for one second I didn’t instantly feel the mystical energy in the mirror.

Indeed, I heard Claire behind me whispering, “Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . .” as we were exiting the barn.
Now, when Claire and Honey gaze in this mirror, they will see that they are no longer the beasts of burden that one time served mankind, but two magical creatures living out their best years in peace and luxury as the core of something bigger than all of us here on Casa Claire. And that is a blessing to me.
Always a lady, Claire, of course, came outside to thank Sally and Sue personally.

And they all shared a brief chat about the Smeeding family’s northern relocation and promised to stay in touch (telepathically of course). The whole time Honey was inside the barn, preening in front of the mirror. Vanity is an Ass!
Anyway, that mirror was just what was needed to give Claire’s (& Honey’s) New Barn that completely magical feel to it. Ladies, I am honored by the gift. Thank you.
So, those two completely unexpected but divine intercessions by friends really made my day. I promise to pay it forward.
Well, Monday is again upon us, and I have a masterful summary judgment legal motion to get done before I head east to The Big Apple. I will need every second, so I better get moving.
You fine, five readers suck down that last cuppa and get on your good foot.
Keeping busy is the best way to erase the days between now and Friday, who waits anxiously, like a puppy, for the return of its human at the end of a day.
So let’s get on it.
But first, I need to cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.
And no matter what else we all get up to, let us make today a great one.
One Response
In the immortal words of Warren Zevon, 🎶Send lawyers, guns and money… The 💩 has hit the fan…🎶