Putting My Feet Up

When I first moved to Casa Claire the one room I got to accessorize all on my own was my future office. I chose a large flat open bottomed desk that looks more like a small dining room table. You see, I have a tendency of forgetting things, so I try not to put things in drawers. Of course, that means my desktop is completely cluttered.

I am a man of simple pleasures, and one of those pleasures is that I like to put my feet up on things.

I don’t do it out of disrespect. I do it because it feels good and I like to believe it helps me think. It gets the blood rushing up from my legs so its easier to pump back up to my brain.

Over the past four decades I have done it at the offices of Cahill, Gordon & Reindel, Gold Farrell & Marks, Jonathan D. Davis PC and Meloni & McCaffrey, APC.

But I will do it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Dining room tables work nicely, both in Riverdale and Casa Claire.

Indeed, the only time you will find me sitting with both feet planted firmly on the ground is when I am outside grounding.

Otherwise, it’s feet up:

Which explains that wear spot on the desk top. Indeed, if anyone in the future tries to sell you the desk at which I wrote The Claire Saga, make sure it has the above wear spot in the left front corner or else you are getting a fugazy.

And since I like to wear sandals and clogs even during the winter – with socks on only during the coldest days – those feet will often get filthy – drives Lisa nuts:

For that last one, I had just come in from the hay delivery this weekend and when I sat down in my recliner and kicked off my rubber clogs, I thought Lisa was going to go for the guns. I snapped that photo so the sheriff would have evidence should she try to make it look like a suicide. Always look for the motive.

But Pete Sheridan is right, I do have hobbit feet.

And this Hobbit will continue to put his feet up until he draws his last breath.

Well, here we are at Monday again. I’ll shall ask Alexa to play the appropriate Mommas & Pappas song and then get back to the salt mines.

But before that I will give those kitties a cuddle and do my rounds wearing my sockless rubber clogs.

I really hope you fine, five readers got some rest this weekend.

You deserve it.

But now, finish that cuppa joe and pull your socks up. Monday must be mastered.

And no matter what else happens, let’s make today a great one.

6 Responses

  1. Your Blog, your feet. But Really? My coffee wasn’t expecting the visual. When we were kids, we had to wash hands when we came in the house. No feet were mentioned 😂

    1. Well, the McCaffreys were always a little bit more feral than some of the more civilized families – including yours – but what didn’t kill us made us stronger.

    1. Glad to be of service. And the dirty grassy feet shot is one of my favorites. I couldn’t believe how bad they looked when I kicked off my crocs.

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