Pups’ Official Presentation At Court

Given that the pups, Sherlock and Jasper, are still wee ones, and don’t have a sense of their own mortality, they still need to be accompanied around the property. Luke and Georgie, sometimes with the grans, will take them out for regular circuits around Casa Claire, most often on lead.

When they first saw Claire and Honey, they barked those relentless, squeaky puppy barks, instinctively informing their new family that the large creatures before them were something worth noting.

Claire has been very patient with them, the way she is with the grans. Honey doesn’t let any of them get too close.

Claire and Honey were used to Blue and Jeter, Maeve and Cairo, the eternally nervous Phoebe, and even the black familiar, Lucky, as all of the animals were older, larger, knew their stations and acted accordingly.

The pups are compulsively inquisitive. Insatiably curious. No boundaries. Naturally underfoot.

Claire and Honey have given them wide berth. Until now.

The other evening Luke and Georgie had the pups out front by the table under The Old Man. For some reason Claire decided to come by and have a closer look at these newest members of the McCaffrey Clan. A notable event with Jack The Spruce watching in the background.

The pups were on their best behavior. Not a peep. It must have been the elven magic.

There was obviously a telepathic connection. Claire was officially recognizing and welcoming the two youths (pronounced “2 utes”) to the Kingdom of Casa Claire. A benediction. So that, even when the pups move with their flesh family to their new home, yes, they bought a very nice one, they will always remain under her care and protection. Like the children and the grans. And they, in turn, will always be welcome in her court.

A moment in time.

Well, there’s lots to do before they move.

For me, earn a living. So I better get on it.

Tuesday is upon us – with a one-off major political heavyweight event scheduled for this evening. So I will break my stay above the political fray tradition for this one time and pontificate. Those easily triggered may want to stop here.

I’m frankly tired of the knee-jerk cancelation and divisiveness coming from both sides. A pox on both your glass houses.

But there is always hope.

Tonight, you fine, five readers do your civic duty, watch and pay attention to the presidential debate. Look past the personalities. This is not your prom. Put aside your emotions and glean and weigh the substantive issues, individually and collectively. Don’t let one issue alone be the hill you decide to die on. Decide what you want for your future. For your children’s future. For your country’s future. Decide which person/party can provide that future. Weigh their respective records as you listen, past actions, not untested or revisionist future promises, and trust your gut to tell you if you believe what they are selling.

We have to take the bitter with the sweet.

Because of human fallibility, there are no perfect candidates. There are no perfect governments, but our Republic (not Democracy) is the greatest in history and we must do all we can to sustain it. The freedom it provides us is unparalleled and must not be shortsightedly squandered for immediate political advantage. Once those freedoms are gone, we won’t get them back. You will miss them dearly if they are lost. So, watch and listen carefully. Trust your instincts, not the emotions of others. Make your own choice, because you will have to live with it. That is called being civically responsible.

And however you come away from it all, respect the opinions and decisions of others. Make your choices, support your candidate passionately if you must, but show some class. Civility instead of arrogance and glibness. No one likes an asshole.

Peaceful assembly and protest must freely have its First Amendment avenue but rioting, violence and destruction of any property – public [our taxes pay for it] or private – is unacceptable and must not be countenanced in a civilized society.

Someone burns down my neighborhood or threatens my family and I stop listening or seeking a common ground, détente. That line cannot be uncrossed.

And first responders – cops, firefighters and EMT – are the thankless angels that protect us all. No harm should ever befall them for carrying out their selfless duties. Without their constant protection it will be your mother or baby that suffers the consequences. Think about that.

People wonder why I prefer non-humans.

Well, that’s it. I’m hopping down from my soap box. Thank you First Amendment.

Let’s hope this doesn’t get me canceled, I’m just getting used to being a writer.

I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

So, now more than ever, let us make today a great one.

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