Now yesterday’s blog concerned mainly how I went about decorating the landscape around Casa Claire to create the right whimsical and creative ambiance.
There was nothing haphazard in those efforts. Each bit and piece told me where it needed to go.
The entire blog was triggered by my receipt in the mail of a cool brass wall plaque, whose final location I hadn’t quite figured out.
I could have placed it along the driveway fence line, maybe out by the Titanic Ship Bell, but I didn’t want it to be overlooked by people intent on arriving at the main house.
The front door seemed the obvious choice, but Lisa has a tendency of obscuring it by placing seasonal decorations on the outside weather door.
When I stood outside, I realized that one upper corner of the large inside door remained visible to anyone standing outside, waiting for the occupants to come to the door, so I went for it.

The door knocker is Geoffrey, the Green Man. If you ever arrive at Casa Claire, be careful, he bites.
Anyway, yesterday’s blog also caused a kerfuffle among the mystical set that was obviously stirred up by my mortal frenemy, BC,

who posted:
“And yet, with all your whimsy and tchotchkes on full display making it seem irrefutable that you’re there, Bigfoot still refuses to concede that you exist!”
Now this touched upon a sore point between me and the Sasquatch, who have no problem popping in and out of this dimension and crossing Casa Claire, to get to another dimension, as represented by the signage:

And, indeed, they were once quite happy to provide security for the Homestead, before Claire assumed the duties:

They really enjoy the sound of the chimes.
Anyway, the real issue arose when they learned that I had not included mentioning their race in The Claire Saga. It seems the Vampires had gotten word that they were omitted as well, and, out of pure pique, spread the word to the BF nation.
I had earlier tried to explain to the Vamps that they had been more than adequately represented in the Twilight Saga book series, and in other great literary works going back as far as Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and I didn’t want to tread on that literary history.
And the Squatch most recently have been brilliantly represented in a whole new light in David Buzan’s wonderful multi-award winning book:
And rumor has it will make their return in a sequel David is rumored to be feverishly working on.
(quick backstory – I read David’s book and then begged him for a cover blurb for WTLLM, knowing that this talented writer was going to be huge, and if I didn’t pounce now he would soon be out of reach for those kind of favors. Luckily, he graciously provided a killer blurb. So check out his blurb and his novel(s).)
Anyway, BC, who is the basis for the Voldemortian character of the same initials in KMAG (he is also a central, stripper lover character in FJM), loves to pop in to comment on my blogs, always doing his best to impress with his witty quips.
Yesterday was no different. BC knew that the Hatfield – McCoy level feud was still simmering between the Casa Claire and Sasquatch camps, and took an opportunity to stir the pot.
And to let me know that they were watching the family, they sent a copy of this photo of one of the Squatch members watching Stella from the treelines during that family’s recent tour of Washington State.

That’s one of their members peeking out of the bushes in the back right at the edge of the meadow.
Now, I don’t particularly worry about Stella, who is definitely a cryptid herself, and could more than handle a dust up with a Squatch, as demonstrated by some still shots taken yesterday as she raced first on four feet and then on two to catch her very swift witchy sister, Scarlett in the back of Casa Claire.

Indeed, Scarlett could easily outrun Bella from Twilight, but then when I saw why Scarlett was running, I continued snapping away, catching Stella as she transformed from her four legged pursuit leaping ferally down off the Giant’s Causeway before adapting to the more acceptable two legged pursuit, in case the neighbors were watching:

Although Stella would have a hell of a time explaining why she dons a second pair of Dorothy’s ruby red shoes on her front feet (I mean hands).
So now, to make peace with the again protesting large hairy bipedal cryptids, who have one of their members devoted to reading my daily blogs, and another following my legacy, I had to make a promise to include them in some form in my next series.
But I told them I would not write one more word, especially about them, if they didn’t call in all of their favors to get Hollywood interested in producing a film version of The Claire Saga.
Let’s see if they still have some clout left over from their box office reign of Harry and The Hendersons.
When they learned in a later comment to yesterday’s blog that Claire had reinstituted her Fatwa on her literary nemesis, the Squatch also offered to throw in a contract on BC. So, it’s on!
And BC, pay close attention to my latest door plaque.
Well, that was the essence of my hump day.
I hope yours was just as much fun.
Now I must get out there and cuddle some kitties and make my rounds.
Thursday awaits you fine, five readers. Let’s get the work week wrapped with a bow, so Friday is left for more BBQ planning and book reading.
And, no matter what else we have on our plates, let us all make today a great one.