Planetary Parade

In a rare astrological event, six planets, along with the last waning lunar sliver before the new moon, were in close proximity in our Northern Hemisphere last night.

Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus (love that planet) all drew relatively near one another, bringing with it all kinds of astrological benefits.

The most important impact for me is the corresponding alignment of karma, spirituality – including enhancement of spiritual gifts – and the expansion of consciousness. I’ll take seconds, please.

I hope all of those looking for a cosmic boost, got theirs.

Yesterday, during the lead up to this auspicious astrological alignment, my eldest brother, Eddie (yep, that one), overcame his Monday by successfully navigating some emergent cardiac surgery only successfully performed once in history on the Christmas Grinch, and later my wife, Lisa, then took to the night skies at 1 am (MT) on Tuesday to fly back east to gather with her sisters – I fondly refer to them as the Wallen Witches – for the memorial of her twin, Leslie, back in Jamestown, NY. So, she safely transited the night sky with the cosmic collective and arrived back on terra firma in one piece. So that I, with my strange imagination, could tie it all together.

It seems that Shakespeare liked to work astrological events and references into some of his works as well, as can be seen in Macbeth, King Lear, Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Richard III, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I cannot blame him. As those of you fine, five readers that have finished The Claire Saga right through to the finale(?) Where The Ley Lines Meet can attest, we ignore the stars at our peril.

Given that we have been through an amazing astrological spring (I refer you back to my blogs relating to lunar and solar eclipses in March and April), culminating in this planetary parade, I can only suggest that there may indeed be more to heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt in our philosophy. If you don’t believe me, just read The Claire Saga.

Well now, Tuesday is full blown upon us, so I must flee.

First, some kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

You fine, five readers finish up your coffees and embark on that work week with some gusto. Monday is now history but we need to get the lion’s share of our collective and respective industry sorted. Then the worst of it will be behind us. Another weekend looms in the distance.

And no matter what else the stars and planets have in store for us, let us make today a great one.

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