
For the first time in over a week, I drove up to Einstein Bagels in Loveland. Now, I love EB. I love its food, its ice coffees, and its workers. But, I had to laugh – literally out loud – when I spotted this sign at their counter yesterday morning.

You see, since my last trip to EB, my eyes and priorities were focused on these signs.

Which at the end of yesterday told me that the fires plaguing this area of NoCo were finally under control. Thank you all first responders for the amazing services you provided. Each and every one of you are heroes. Prayers for all of those impacted by the fires.

You cage free chickens, get your shit together. And don’t get me started on the people this sign was meant for. Priorities, people.

Now yesterday was a wonderful day from start to finish.

It began with watching my eldest granddaughter, Scarlett Rose, excitedly retrieving the gifts the Fae had left her under The Old Man.

Then after stopping by Walmart for a fruits and veggies run, I prepped some care packages in the new barn and then went and visited my fur family safe summer campers.

Who were more than happy to partake of my frozen refreshments,

as long as I didn’t let their friends see me. Very uncool.

Then it was back to Casa Claire for Scarlett’s birthday party.

Now while I was off on my visit, Luke and Georgie took the girls out for a trip to a child friendly interactive museum in Ft. Collins, and then a trip to the local to celebrate this auspicious occasion. Did I mention we were breeding for height and beauty in the next generation of my Clan.

And finally a pretzel run for the legacy.

Anyway, upon the younger family’s return, they were met by V&B (yes, Bonnie & T), the Clan matriarchs, and fairy godmothers, who are always school business first, and went right on line with Georgie to sort out the girls top shelf school apparel and supplies for their upcoming stint at a very exclusive private school.

But then sat down at their female family counsel and sorted other matters. In honor of her birthday, Scarlet got her invite to the matriarch table, where all major decisions are made.

And then we all had some dinner and finally the pièce de résistance of the day.

So, when it was all said and done, this very trying week ended on an extremely positive note, that proved again that if a family sticks together, they can survive anything.

And speaking of signage, the one I saw at the end of the day was the most important.

Which made this short walk with an old friend in the light rain all the more meaningful.

Life is all about perspective.

Well, Monday is again upon us, but it’s getting a pass this morning because I’m still sitting at my desk in the dungeon office of Casa Claire and those pending threats have gone up in smoke.

That wasn’t a sure thing a few days ago.

Now I will go out and cuddle some kitties and start my day. Abbreviated rounds for sure.

You fine, five readers, have that second cuppa and get out into your working world. We must keep this society moving forward. Friday will be back with a blink of the eye.

And no matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

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