Nails Clipped

I had to use guile and trickery to pull off the mani-pedi capture solo yesterday.

Luckily, Claire was in a needy mood. She was more interested in getting a good and rigorous brushing than getting her tithe of morning carrots. When I brush Claire, she goes into a trance like state. Blue stands beneath her licking and trimming her legs. So once I realized Claire had gone hypnotic, I slipped back inside and grabbed here harness. Before she realized what had happened, I had the harness over her and was able to lead her to the side paddock. Of course Honey followed a safe distance behind and after tying Claire to the fence, I circled around the backand came up behind Honey, who had gone over to investigate Claire’s incarceration, and closed the side paddock gate behind her.

Now you all remember that ringolevio is best played when you have numerical odds. One on one is always a challenge. Especially in the snow. Without Lisa there to help me corner Honey, it was a half hour of feeling very slow as Honey managed to head and body fake me numerous times around the paddock. I almost gave up and was going to wait for the farrier – that’s him above working on Claire’s hoof while Blue watches carefully – but Honey suddenly walked over to Claire, underneath Claires head and allowed Claire – who was tied to the fence – to nuzzle her. That seemed to calm Honey enough for me to get a rope over her shoulders, which is a sign to equines that they should probaly surrender. Voila.

With C & H both tethered just in time for the arrival of the farrier, the worst of my day was over. Their hooves are now in wonderful shape, just in time for Easter.

I then spent the rest of the day doing other chores, which I video-documented on Twitter as “A day in the life 1 through 17 at Casa Claire” on Twitter – Tom@wisecelt. Glad to get the work wrapped up and captured on video.

I also managed to hang my newest version of the American flag, the first responders version, which acknowledges Police, Fire, Corrections, EMS, Nurses and Military. I’m thrilled with how it looks.

Finally, since Lisa got stuck doing OT at work, I managed to hit all of the area used furniture places in Berthoud and Longmont in search for a cool table-top bookshelf that I could provide to MOS, given that the existing MOS Literary Bookshelf has reached maximum capacity. Wasn’t able to find anything, but did come across a cool hand carved staff. I could feel its powerful mojo as soon as I touched it.

It has now joined my collection of staffs and walking sticks.

So, with a lot of the outdoor work out of the way, and my weekly fruit and veggie prep complete, I just need to shovel a few barrows of mule muffins this morning. Then I intend to complete and post a review on the latest book I’ve been reading.

I’ve got a kitty to cuddle, rounds to make and the dreadmill before anything else on my list.

So I better get at it.

I hope you fine, five readers have nothing important to take care of today, and can put your feet up.

Maybe read a book as well.

But most of all, make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. Hi Tom, My dad is still in the hospital. He is slowly improving. He asked about you yesterday and was telling one of the nurses how there is a pub/library in Berthoud, Co. and their books are in it. He likes telling that story. My sister is on duty today, so I can have a day off and get other things done. I’m just glad I don’t have to pick up mule muffins. I’m going to watch some basketball….most likely through my eyelids. 🙂 You put your feet up today as well.

  2. Adrienne. Lease give both parents my best. And tell them how thrilled we all are to have their books on the MOS Literary Bookshelf.

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