My Favorite Line Of The Claire Saga

Got a text yesterday from my dear friend and central character in WTLLM, Renee Clarke.

If you are a recurring member of my fine, five readers, you may have caught the post where Renee recently visited Casa Claire

and also gave me a wonderful metallic inscribed bookmark, which captured the idea I like to close these blogs with, which basically suggests that we should all go out there and make our respective and collective day a great one.

I believe in that idea, because I believe we must try and live fully in each moment, because we are not guaranteed another. So let’s not waste what we have right there in front of us worrying about a future that may never arrive or about a past we cannot change.

Well, it seems that Renee had actually gotten two similar bookmarks made before coming here. But the second one arrived later than the first, so she could not bring it with her. That is perfect, I want her to keep it for herself, and maybe later hand it down to just the right child, or grandchild. Because now there are two floating around the universe. In different areas of the country. Carrying their messages. Quantumly entangled forever.

And what is really cool, is that the second bookmark contains what I consider my favorite line that captures the essence of the now highly evolved Claire the Mule from the entirety of The Claire Saga. It occurs in Where The Ley Lines Meet, in a moment when the universe looks like it’s going to shit. Claire is sharing one of the lasts moments with Jimmy Moran that these two inseparable friends have alone with each other. They have travelled a long road together. Claire’s message captures her character’s raison d’être.

It is a concept I’ve learned from my daily interactions with the real Claire over these past few years together on Casa Claire.

And the synchronicity of where Renee was using her bookmark, to read Colin Broderick’s latest and most wonderful book – Once Upon A Time In Hell’s Kitchen


didn’t escape me. Given how Colin gave me that talismanic “Grisham on mushrooms” cover blurb that helped launch TWA (and also another – a Philippe Petit one – for FJM) and he remains one of my greatest friends and devoted literary supporters to this day.

Indeed, Colin promises to join me at the reading at An Beal Bocht on September 25th – (So, if you are going that night maybe carry along a paperback copy of ‘ Hell’s Kitchen and ask for Colin’s inscription while you are there. Although he is performing a reading of his wonderful book there later this month.)

So here’s the one idea that I hope every reader of The Claire Saga retains, if they retain no other, once they turn the final page in that last(?) book of this series – and thank you Renee for sharing it with me in this form:

And for now our respective and collective journey continues into this post-holiday Monday morning.

And I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make.

I hope you fine, five readers were sensible enough to take this Monday as a recovery day.

If so, spend the time wisely reading a book.

If not, finish that last cuppa, pull up those socks and get a move on.

But, no matter what else we have on our agenda’s, let’s make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. I really do love that line! It’s comforting for a variety of reasons.
    And I love Colin’s writing too. “Hells Kitchen” has me hooked already.

  2. Not sure that “journey” and “test” concepts are mutually exclusive (at least theologically), but that is a lovely sentiment. And who’s to argue w a mystical mule?👌🫶☘️

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