My Bodyguard

Claire is extremely bright. She knows where to look for me when she wants to find me. If I don’t respond to her banging on the back door, or banging outside my office, she’ll come around to the side to see if I’m doing something up there. That was her masquerading as the side gate to my deck yesterday afternoon. She is extremely patient. She knows its the only way into or out of the upper side of the house from that part of the property. Bright girl.

But when Claire isn’t extorting carrots from me, she spends her time watching over Honey and the property.

This was her yesterday afternoon out front.

I was trying to be cagey but she spotted me behind the blinds. There is just no getting by her.

I like that she has free reign to the property – even though it keeps me at her beck and call.

I know Claire is very protective of her family.

Believe it or not, I’m more confident in Claire’s ability to protect to homestead than I am in Blue.

This was Claire this morning keeping a close eye on Honey while she napped in the back.

So, while Claire can be a demanding diva at times, she knows her role and executes it flawlessly around Casa Claire. And the rest of us are all the more safer as a result.

Okay, I have things to do, so I must flee.

First that kitty cuddle, my rounds and the dreadmill.

But it’s Thursday, so that bodes well. Hope springs eternal.

You fine, five readers wrap up your work week today so Friday will be free to plan your weekend.

And most of all, make today a great one.

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