Mr. Rogers & Claire

There is a scene at the end of TWA where Claire is reunited with her lost love, Mr. Rogers.

They then spend blissful moments together on Casa Claire into AAA.

As you know by now, there is very little fiction in my stories. Claire and Mr. Rogers first engaged just the way I described it in the book. When I wrote the scene re: his demise in AAA, I wept, openly and extensively. He was the sweetest and most gentle soul I have ever encountered.

They were inseparable.

I’ve never witnessed that kind of connection in any species.

That point in the book where I describe the appearance of the J in a heart tattoo on his shoulder, was drawn from my experience of finding a T in a heart tattoo on the real Mr. Rogers’s shoulder when I was first brushing him.

As I have said many times, when it comes to my life at Casa Claire, I just can’t make this shit up.

And Claire’s pain that I tried to write about in AAA, was drawn from my dealing with the palpable pain suffered by this inconsolable loving creature who still visits his grave out back.

So, for those writers out there looking for inspiration, just keep your eyes open, and if a moment strikes your heart, remember it. Because writing is just the sharing of the human (non-human) condition. It’s the laughter and the tears. Common ground for us all.

I was blessed by being able to witness Claire and Mr. Rogers love affair in real time.

Really blessed.

That is why you find them together again at the end of KMAG.

I owed that to both of them.

I couldn’t possibly do that relationship justice in the books, but I gave it my best shot.

You be the judge.

Anyway, today is Hump Day.

You fine, five readers get your skates on and attack that hill.

Wave to Friday at the peak.

I’m going to head out and cuddle my kitty and make my rounds.

No matter what else we get up to, let us make today a great one.

And while you are at it, try to notice how life unfolds each moment.

You would hate to miss the important stuff.

3 Responses

  1. Mr. Roger ‘s had a very old soul.
    I am pretty sure he was well loved at some point in his life.
    You, Lisa , and Clair gave him that love back.
    Thank you for that.
    I loved him too.

    1. Yeah, Pam. Both Mr. Rogers and Claire enjoy(ed) your visits. Never would have had the guts to adopt either of them without your skillful guidance. My early visits to your Tique (and Wicker and Lady) are a highlight of my daily rounds.

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