Miss Is As Good As A Mile – Ground Hog Day

Is it me, or is every new movie on Netflix a dystopian, slightly pre, or definitively post, apocalyptical?

So, it’s no wonder why I paid extra attention to yesterday’s science stories about the “potentially hazardous” asteroid called 2008 OS7, whose “trajectory appears to depict a near-collision course with Earth.”



After a steady diet of those Netflix films, you start to wonder if Hollywood is sending us a message.

And let’s not forget the recent surge in Billionaire Bunkers.


Well, given my grasshopper-level, eternal state of procrastination,


An end of times bunker is just one more thing I just didn’t get to this summer. So, if the shit hits the fan, I will be getting a face full.

But just in case, a little later this morning I will be sitting on a lawn chair out back with Claire, Honey, Blue, and Lisa (if I can talk her into it), facing due east, with a fine bottle of wine just waiting to be cracked open, should the scientists have made another major miscalculation. I’m not leaving this energy plain without one final toast.

Now, assuming the scientists get it right, and Netflix was just fucking with us, and that huge rock remains in “close, but no cigar” status – https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/close-but-no-cigar.html – it could work out in our favor.

Lemonade out of lemons.

You see, today is also Ground Hog Day.

Which, it turns out, is a German based event related to the Christian Holiday, Candlemas, whish also falls on February 2nd.


Now today’s holiday involves the interaction of humans and a furry, hibernating creature.

According to legend, if the furry creature emerges from its burrow today and sees its shadow, it will immediately retreat to the safety of its hole and winter will continue for and additional six weeks. If the creature does not spot its shadow, Spring will arrive much sooner.

The German’s used a badger. “Sonnt sich der Dachs in der Lichtmeßwoche, so geht er auf vier Wochen wieder zu Loche (‘If the badger sunbathes during Candlemas-week, for four more weeks he will be back in his hole’).”


It turns out, here in the US, the Pennsylvania Dutch – a more pacifist strain of German immigrants – who brought the holiday with them, chose a ground hog as this country’s more congenial substitution for the annual event. Id.

They also added a potential additional 2 weeks of winter into the original German’s mix. Shit!

Today, large numbers of Americans gather in Punxsutawney, Pa., in hopes that Punxsutawney Phil does not see his shadow and doom us to six more weeks of winter.

Of course, New Yorkers are not going to accept the word of a potentially less courageous cavern dweller just south and west, so we rely on the prognostication skills of our own Staten Island Chuck. The much tougher but far less lucky all New York ground hog (https://nypost.com/2024/02/02/metro/groundhog-day-marks-10-years-since-bill-de-blasio-dropped-staten-island-chuck/) also will be making his appearance this morning in my forever home town New York City.


So, today’s synchronicity of 2008 OS7 and some sensitive ground hogs could work out in our favor. According to NASA, this 890 foot space rock is supposed to pass within 1.7 million miles of earth at around 9:41 a.m. EST this morning.

The part of me that is not a big fan of winter cannot hope that the trajectory of 2008 OS7 passes close enough to make a difference and directly over Punxsutawney, Pa., or even over the Staten Island Zoo. A big shadow can remove the chance of the groundhog’s shadow. Capiche?!

So, my fine, five readers, while we await to see what the Universe has in store for us this morning, my prediction is that the scientists got it right, Netflix and the Billionaires wasted a lot of money, and Chuck and Phil see no shadows this morning.

Why am I so confident?

Well, to begin with it’s Friday, and nothing bad ever happens to me on a Friday.

Plus, if I’m wrong, I’m gong to be really pissed off, as that means that Where The Ley Lines Meet will never see its publication date.

And no Creator worth their salt could be that cruel.

There would be a whole new war in heaven.

But while we are waiting, we still need to get a move on this morning.

Apocalypse or not, my feral kitties will still expect their cuddles and my Equine and Canine neighbors will still expect their bon mots and treats.

You fine, five readers think positive and plan that fun weekend.

I’m thinking of watching Night of The Comet tonight:

Since their is no football, may I suggest you all binge read The Claire Saga for some good cathartic pleasure.

And, no matter what else goes on, let us make today a great one.

One Response

  1. Thank goodness that Groundhog (and City) killing moron DeBlahhhsio (not even his real name) is far removed from Staten Island – and helping to further destroy Harvard’s rep for pedagogy while canceling w some Michigan anesthesiologists wife while his darling Chirlane looks for the “missing” $900 K she boarded from NYC when she was “running” the Homeless/Wacky Folks Initiative… or whatever they called it…

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