Lunar Eclipse

Weatherwise, yesterday was a mess.

It started out warm enough for me to clear out the front trough in a t-shirt and sandals. Completely felt like Spring.

Claire and Honey enjoyed their time out back.

Even a Robin stopped by Casa Claire to make it official.

Then the clouds rolled in like God was pissed off at Noah’s cohorts all over again and we had wicked winds and thunderstorms with hail.

And then it started to snow. In Spring.

And before long, it looked like this.

So, this morning, instead of looking out and seeing this.

I saw this

A sky of complete cloud cover.

So, other than the nice weather, and a beautiful moon shot, what did I miss?

Well, for starters I missed the penumbral Lunar Eclipse of the Worm/Crow Moon.

Which, according to astrophysicists way smarter than me sets up the Solar Eclipse that is arriving in a fortnight.

Whether I got to see it or not, a Lunar Eclipse – also referred to as a Blood Moon – is the harbinger of great change.,was%20a%20sign%20of%20impending%20doom%20or%20disaster.

Now the Ancient Greeks considered a Blood Moon a precursor to disaster.

And if you have read any of their stories, there were plenty of disasters to go around.

Me, I’m putting a more positive spin on it, given it is only a penumbral lunar eclipse – where the Moon only passes through the Earth’s penumbra, or outer shadow.

And given that Where The Ley Lines Meets is launching in just 3 weeks, I refuse to entertain the idea that any penumbral lunar eclipse is going to get in the way of its success.

But, as a teaser, metaphorically speaking, the back to back lunar and solar eclipses of 2024 – more on the latter in a later blog – foreshadows the apocalyptic storyline that may or may not appear in WTLLM.

Will Claire step up one last time to provide salvation?

I guess you’ll have to read it and find out.

But before you get your hands on the hottest book to hit the shelves this Spring, I strongly recommend you go back and start the story (again if need be) and read The Wise Ass, An Alien Appeal, Kissing My Ass Goodbye and Finding Jimmy Moran back-to-back, in that order, in order to be emotionally primed for what is coming. Read those books slowly and make notes of every tiny gold nugget that catches your eye. Everything that comes before is addressed in this final book. Is it final? Never say never, unless it’s the end.

I must leave you now to ponder that last thought while I go out and sweep off the snow out front so the kitties can exit their warm and waterproof dens and get some warmed sustenance. Maybe I’ll get to cuddle them.

I hope you fine, five readers are experiencing a more traditional Spring season and that your Monday has not been compounded by inclement weather.

But no matter what Mother Nature has in store for us, we will get through this day, if only because Mondays are only good for dying – which gives your survivors a whole work week off to mourn and a weekend to recover – and none of us are dying today. Indeed, I’ve made a deal with Death so that all of my readers get to live at least long enough to experience the pleasure and excitement of joining Claire’s Motley Crew for one last ride.

So, just to cover your asses, no pun intended, it may be one more reason to reread the first four books, and leave them lying around in plain sight, so that Death knows who makes the cut.

And on the odd chance one of my fine, five readers has not even glanced at The Claire Saga before now, and now scoffs at my Celtic superstitious pap, just remember that Kindle transfers are pure energy that can cross the veil, where my Mom retains purchasing privileges with Amazon. That Bezos really struck a deal with the Devil.

And what kind of Heaven can that be, spending eternity not knowing how The Claire Saga ends?

But enough of my morbid and macabre Monday Meandering. Time to get on the good foot.

No matter what else we get up to today, let us make it a great one.

Oh, and if you want a taste of how the books sound in my head, track down some of the selected readings I’ll be posting on my facebook page,

I’ve gotten a request from Adrienne Stucki for my next excerpt. Stay tuned.

2 Responses

  1. Great selection for the first reading. Jimmy meets Claire! The beginning of the love story that united creatures of all species together into a family.
    Excellent way to start my day. Thank you!
    I hope spring returns and melts all that snow away out there.
    Have a good day!

  2. Two overlooked positives re yesterday’s meteorological chaos at La Casa:
    1. At least our Berthoud Druid had his Franciscan elf-boots on those Frodo 👣
    2. That roiling tarp video – once the possibility of a “proof of life” video for a critter (or spouse?) was eclipsed – was very reminiscent of Yankee Stadium ground crews struggling to cover the infield during sudden weather events.

    Thx for the memories…🎶

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