Luckiest Guy In The World

This morning, as is my practice, I check on my books, like my children, to see how they are doing.

Now, as I have explained in the past, I never even noticed the numbers that appear after the stars next to the titles. Someone had to point it out to me.

But since I first noticed them, and realized they mean people rating your books, I have paid attention.

This morning TWA crossed 5500.

Thank you one and all who made the effort to post a rating, and even better, a review.

(well, at least the positive ones, lol)

Truth is, what the readers think of my books is far more important to me than anything else. I want readers to have an enjoyable experience in my company. I owe you that. I take that debt seriously.

So thank you for this milestone. I so appreciate the support.

I also appreciate the support for the rest of The Claire Trilogy, which have also crossed the 1000 ratings mark.

And finally, I’m thrilled that Finding Jimmy Moran is off to a great start.

And none of that happens without you.

Now I just need to write the sequel, Where The Ley Lines Meet.

The pressure is on.

But in the meantime, I need to live in the real world.

I have a kitty to cuddle, rounds to make and then the dreadmill.

Then law.

But it is Hump Day – and National Paranormal Day

So keep your mind open and eyes peeled.

And ride that downslope towards the weekend.

Most of all, my fine, five readers,

Make today a great one.

One Response

  1. It is all going strong. All your efforts are paying off. Hope it makes all that boring legal stuff easier to bear🙂
    Write the 4th book as your first-from the heart ( and paranormal).

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