Loose Ends Weekend

My wife, Lisa, is away in Florida attending my nephew Tyler Sacca’s significant other’s baby shower. Tyler is having a boy – Grayson Tatum Sacca (cool name – they are Southern). Tyler’s mom, Lisa’s younger sister Michelle (lovely woman), passed over a year ago, and Lisa wanted to make sure that Michelle’s family is represented. It will be good for Lisa to see Michelle’s husband Terry as well. He’s a good man.

Lisa stopped by Atlanta to collect my daughter Jackie along the way. Jackie and Tyler are tight cousins. My grandson, Lucian, is going along for the ride, so we will have three generations represented at the fest. Family is important. Early welcome to you Grayson Tatum Sacca. The Clan is honored to have you.

But that leaves me at loose ends.

I mean, I have plenty on my plate, I have my weekend chores to do. I also have to replace the barn heaters. (Glad I have the electric working again).

In addition, I learned yesterday that while everything required was done perfectly by Larry at Mainstreet Automotive to winterize my Toyota (yes, the one from TCS), including a new battery, I will also need new tires, a service that Larry does not provide. So, I have an appointment this morning with Discount Tires in Longmont. They’ve provided excellent service in the past. Highly recommend them.

Now anyone who has viewed my FB or TikTok postings over the past 24 hours will have seen that I had a wonderful time waiting for my Toyota to be serviced, by finagling an impromptu ride from Bill – one of the crew I refer to as “Grandpa’s Boys” in the acknowledgments in my books – in his 1923 Ford. Riding in something that is a hundred years old was pretty cool. Time travel. I felt like a little kid.


I also grabbed breakfast at Grandpa’s Cafe in Berthoud (indeed Grandpa’s storefront appears at the end of the video). I love Loki and Maya at Grandpa’s. They are friendly and attentive. I spend lots of time discussing – without fully understanding – Cricket with Loki (who is from Nepal). If you go in and ask for a New York Sandwich, you’ll get scrambled eggs and cheese on toast, but you must add the ketchup yourself.

Anyway, afterwards I had a legal brief to write, which I did. At close of business I attended to the evening chores – feeding the inside/outside fur family – and then I made my self something to eat. Then I sat outside on the back deck and watched dusk turn to dark. It was magical.

I was going to read but my eyes are so shot by the end of a legal workday that I didn’t want to just stare at the same paragraph for hours.

I’ll give it a try this evening.

Normally, when Lisa goes on her family trips, I try to catch some foreign shows on Netflix. She hates subtitles. I love international programming. But again, the eyes were tired. I highly recommend Ragnarok (which I binged during her last trip).


I ended up putting on (again) Made in Belfast – an excellent film that I connect with on a number of levels – but fell asleep before the end. Roll credits.

Today will be different. I’ve started on Joe Rogan supported Alpha Brain supplements – I’m big on supplements – so hopefully I will be getting more bang for my buck from my mind and body each day. I’ll keep you posted.

Well, now I’m going to go watch the last night of the Harvest moon while I ground my bare feet into the earth.


And then some kitty cuddling and rounds. Then life at Casa Claire.

You fine, five readers get those weekend chores out of the way and maybe start your leaf watching or reading or sports. Live.

But, no matter what we all do, let’s make today a great one.

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