Let’s See If We Can Pull This Off – Tomorrow’s One Day Sale – Asking You All To Help Me Break Amazon

With WTLLM now up and drawing early positive reviews on BookBub and Goodreads,

and available for pre-order purchase in Kindle form on Amazon

or pre-order purchase in paperback and hardcover (at a 15% discount – Use Code PREORDER2023) on the BRW website:


There is no better time to give a last minute hype of the ONE DAY ONLY SALE of The Claire Trilogy KINDLE Box Set TOMORROW, SUNDAY DECEMBER 10TH.

ALL THREE BOOKS – THE WISE ASS, AN ALIEN APPEAL and KISSING MY ASS GOODBYE – will be available for a group purchase IN KINDLE FORM for only $1.99!

Just click on this website tomorrow and literally steal these three books.

You can purchase them for yourself – just to always have them available on your iPhone – or as Holiday gifts for your very best friends and closest family members. I mean what a gift for $1.99!

But, I know that you are going to want to lock in the last two books of The Claire Saga at their respective, incredibly cheap $5.99 Kindle price for an all in purchase of all five Kindle books for $13.97.

You see, once you meet Jimmy Moran in The Claire Trilogy, you are going to want to see what made him tick and what made Claire choose him as her BFF (there was magic all along) in Finding Jimmy Moran

and then of course, you’ll have to know how it all ends in Where The Ley Lines Meet.

What will this one day Amazon rush do for me?

Financially, very little.

However, if you tell all of your friends and family about this sale and EVERYONE hits those Amazon pages tomorrow, the publishing Universe will notice.

Amazon’s Algorithms will kick into turbo-drive. The bean counters will want to know what has happened to rock their world.

Tom McCaffrey will be a hot commodity as a writer. The buzz will start.

Hollywood will have no choice but to take notice.

Now I don’t have Oprah or The New Yorker or The New York Times Sunday Edition hawking my books.

Not even Doctor Oz.

I’m just not that interesting.

But I am ballsy and can be funny as fuck.

I have nothing to lose.

My success tomorrow will be totally down to a grassroots groundswell of the many friends and acquaintances I have collected over my six decades, and my fine, five readers on this blog.

And wouldn’t it be nice if we collectively can do an end run around the literary powerbrokers, pull this off and sell the shit out of The Claire Saga this one day, so the world sits back and takes notice of this old dog, who beat the literary odds and got published at 63 years old. A true Cinderella story. And you will all become part of it.

Sure, maybe this is a pipe dream.

But, the fact that I’m writing these words is proof that I believe anything can happen.

There is magic in this world.

So, let’s see what happens.

But before tomorrow comes, I have today to get through.

Kitties to cuddle, rounds to make, and chores to do.

You fine, five readers go take care of your weekend errands.

Then take your families to fun holiday events and excursions.

Love one another.

And no matter what else we do, let us make today a great one.

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