Jeter and The Alley Cat Cafe

Yesterday morning, Lisa decided that we should have breakfast at The Alley Cat Cafe up in Ft. Collins.

I love this spot for its college and Greenwich Village bohemian vibe. The regular host most weekend mornings is a fine young Scottish line Celt named Gavin Morgan, who has made it a point to remember my name and my regular order. He is an interesting person in his late 20s – who studied architecture in Uni and, along with his morning shifts at The Alley Cat, also has a side gig as a tattoo artist. He is always fun to chat with, which is what we did while he prepared yesterday’s order.

Lisa went off to bogart a booth in the back – which is off to the deep center right as you come in through the front door. Yesterday Lisa selected a different one than usual. This booth was set back against the farthest wall on the right side of the central booth area. She was lucky she got it, as it is one that a CSU student with back pack and laptop usually gloms for a day of schoolwork and paper writing.

The ceiling art above the booth was spectacular.

But Lisa had an ulterior motive.

You see, while the more trained artist post their work on the ceiling panels, the local graffiti artists post their work on all of the walls besides the booths.

Lisa had selected this booth because she wanted to post some graffiti on this particular wall.

Well, actually she wanted me to post her graffiti on a particular wall. She wanted to commemorate Jeter – whose namesake is a Bronx Yankee legend – in a form of street art first mastered in the Bronx.

Given my deep Bronx roots, she assigned me the task. Graffiti comes naturally to a Bronxite. So I did as I always do when instructed by Lisa, I graffitied.

Now the first attempt right along the St. Lawrence River didn’t satisfy her. No surprises there. I rarely ever get anything right the first time.

So I gave it a second shot, this time using the specified abbreviation “R.I.P.”

Looks like the second attempt landed on the eastern edge of Newfoundland. It also satisfied Lisa whose only reason for making the 30 minute trip was to immortalize Jete-Jete in the coolest place in NoCo. Given that Jeter was the ultimate little dog pee marker, who loved to sprinkle a few droplets of his precious urine on the edges of any new furniture that came into the house, just to stake his claim, the dripping penis by some other artist directly above his second Graffito, was a fitting addition.

Job done, we headed back to Casa Claire to take care of a list of Aleve generating chores Lisa has been crafting in her head, along with my usual Claire related chores.

But now it is Monday. . . . Again.

So, you fine, five readers pull your socks up, have that third cuppa, and go out and take on this work week.

I need to get out there as well, as I have kitties to cuddle and rounds to make before I put on my Lawyer hat (I really wish we got to wear those cool wigs that our English brethren wear).

And whatever we do, let us make today a great one.

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