Jeffrey David Young

I did not know this young man personally, beyond a few exchanges on Nextdoor where I complimented his posts of all genres of music that he played each day from his room on his violin. Occasionally you would see his dog in the videos, so I could tell he was a good person.

He had a gregarious personality to go along with his amazing musical talent.

It was always a highlight of my mornings to catch his regular performances. The kid had talent. I love creativity, especially when it is in fields beyond my own reach. I have always been in awe of musicians.

David’s (he went by his middle name) talent inspired awe.

I learned this morning on Nextdoor that he had died recently in an accident. The tragedy of any loss of life, especially someone whose age fell between that of my youngest two children, was exacerbated by the loss of his musical talent to this energy plain. But I had no idea just what a good man he was, and from what humble beginnings, he had ascended.

Whomever wrote David’s obituary did an amazing job, and captured a life way too brief, but fully and well lived in every sense of the term. I won’t try to summarize it, but I will refer you to the source.

(Click that “see more” button at the top left).

David left behind a beautiful family – flesh and fur – of parents, siblings and friends. I’m glad our paths crossed to that limited extent while on this energy plain. I’m glad I heard his music. It was beautiful. Vaya con dios, David.

I had some other photos and thoughts for today I was going to share, but they’ll keep.

You fine, five readers take a moment to hug the closest family member and tell them you love them, because you do. And they deserve to hear it.

Life is fleeting and precious.

So, if you have a passion, chase it and share it. You never know how many lives you may touch in the process.

Well, my world awaits so I better get to it.

First some kitties to cuddle and my rounds.

Mani-pedis and hay deliveries are on the schedule, and so is Ringolevio.

But, no matter what else we get to today, let us make it a great one.

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