It Never Gets Old – Where The Ley Lines Meet Is Up On Amazon – The Final Installment Of The Claire Saga

It never gets old.

I’m just as excited seeing WTLLM up on Amazon as I was first seeing The Wise Ass first appear on that website just about three years ago. The additional appearances of An Alien Appeal, Kissing My Ass Goodbye and Finding Jimmy Moran during those three years has done nothing to take the bloom off the rose. A Black Rose.

This means that if I’m taken out by a milk truck, or abducted by aliens, The Claire Saga is still going to be complete and available to the public. Claire is ecstatic.

To finally answer my wife Lisa’s continuous question each time this has happened – “Are you a writer yet?”

Yeah, I think five novels gives me some legitimacy in copping to the “writer” title.

After all, F. Scott Fitzgerald only published 5, and one of those was posthumous.

I still have time to take the lead.

So, if an ambitious Kindle reader timed their purchase just right on SUNDAY DECEMBER 10th, they could swoop in and purchase the Kindle versions of The Claire Trilogy (TWA, AAA, KMAG) at $1.99, FJM at $5.99 and WTLLM at $5.99, landing all five novels for an incredible $13.97 all in. Now if you wanted to clean up in everyone’s favorite gifts department, this set is a steal. So, don’t miss this incredible opportunity. Get your Christmas shopping done and dusted.

And a huge Kindle rush on The Claire Saga on Sunday December 10th will make this old dog look like a young internet star. And that will not only impress Amazon and BRW, but the excited algorithms may catch the eye of some Hollywood Scout. So let’s see if we can make The Claire Saga break the internet.

Why should Kim Kardashian have all of the fun:

Trust me, you wouldn’t want to see me naked.

Well, today is Friday, my favorite day of the week.

You fine, five readers go out there and wrap the work week at your earliest convenience.

Maybe go to an office Holiday party. Have drinks with office friends.

And if you run out of office gossip over drinks and finger food, become the instant center of attention by mentioning the above sale that can land that lucky someone the Kindle version of the entire five books in The Claire Saga for $13.97 (or at least The Claire Trilogy for $1.99). But don’t forget to mention it is for one day only on Sunday December 10th.

Again, it would make those certain favorite someone(s) a great holiday gift.

Before I close I would like to wish my Jewish brethren a Happy Hanukkah. I know, I’m a day late and a dollar short, but this comes from the heart. I was a little distracted yesterday.

Given the story behind this festival, it seems even more important this year that it be boldly celebrated.

“The festival reminds Jews of a time over 2,000 years ago, when the Jews won a battle against the Greeks to practise their religion freely.”

My prayers are with you all.

Well, it’s time to cuddle the kitties and do my rounds. Then wrap this work week.

You fine, five readers get out there and do the same.

And whatever else we accomplish, let us make today a great one.

3 Responses

  1. You have been a writer since your 30’s.
    Now you have been a published writer for several years.
    That cover of WTLLM should start plenty of buzz.
    I do celebrate Hanukkah and thanks for the acknowledgement. We do have a history of struggle to just be but there is always light.

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