. . . In A Brass Brassière

Thirty seconds.

That’s all it took this morning for my skin to start hurting when I ventured out in -6 F snowy weather to feed Claire and Honey. The residual pain has lasted a lot longer, indeed, the finger bones ache a bit as I’m typing this. Live and learn.

I can hear Spaghetti asking, “What are ya Tick?” (the H is a silent letter to most old Irish). Always loved hearing the threat of the word “Ospital.” As often shared “I’ll put you in . . . “

I knew I should have retrieved my gloves and Carhart heavy coat from my car last night before I called it a night. I think my work boots are out there as well. But I did put on socks.

I have to say, the Five Sons Safety hoodie – The Ginger’s Construction Safety Company back in NYC – did a great job in a pinch.

And yes, the beard does keep the face warmer.

When I got out to the barn luckily both mules were sensibly standing inside, with Honey, as expected, directly under the over head heaters (I posted that video on FB as well).

When Claire stepped outside I could see she had been out earlier because there was a thin coating of snow frozen to the top of her coat back. She looked a little like a mobile mountain range.

This is no weather for man or beast, or even me.

When my basement Alexa, called “Computer,” told me that the high temperature range today was going to be 1 degrees F (I posted the video), it did feel like I was living on Mars.

But needs must, and I had to make sure the mules got their rocket fuel to maintain them until the sun cracks the zero barrier later today.

Luckily, in anticipation of the expected weather, I went out last night and refilled the troughs, shoveled the shit and wheel barrowed it back to Hadrian’s Wall. Just need to do the fruit and veggie prep for the week and hope this Colorado built house maintains a semblance of comfort.

My prayers go out to any creature who doesn’t have shelter today.

Well, my frozen brain doesn’t have much else to focus on this morning, so I better get a move on. Hope the feral kitties are alive and amenable to cuddling and are ready to gobble their food before it freezes. Maybe I’ll warm it in the microwave before putting it out.

Then a very fast set of rounds.

But whatever you fine, five readers get to this morning, stay warm, dry and safe.

And whatever else we do, let’s make today a great one.

Here’s wishes for a quick recovery for my mechanical friend M, who is one step closer to being the Tin Man.

2 Responses

  1. Socks were a good move. Maybe next time engage the heel straps on your Crocs to keep them secure on your snowy trudgefests….

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