I Don’t Hate Snow In Theory

But I do hate snow in practice. Sure, it always looks pretty, but its appearance means that my outdoor fur family is exposed to it. And it makes getting anything done on the property all the more problematic.

And in my mind, as one approaches St. Patty’s Day, one should not look out on their back deck and see this.

Now the online weather forecasts have been promising this one 24 hour storm today and then it’s back to more temperate weather. So it’s not worth chasing the mules around to put coats on for that short a period, given that they have the good sense to wait it out in the heated barn.

But since Mittens (aka Mike) has moved into the bomb shelter under Jack the Spruce, I knew I had to fortify Smokey’s more Bedouin style sleeping pocket on the front porch to keep it safe from the snow. Since it’s only short term, I had to get creative.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Well, this morning’s snowstorm has rendered my internet – which feeds from towers – questionable at best, so this blog has taken a long time in development with very little to show for it.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And I don’t need any help finding my way.

But I did want to share this poignant photo I snapped of Claire yesterday, standing over at boot hill, no doubt commiserating with the ghosts of the other passed members of the McCaffrey fur family about Cairo’s most recent transition down under. Telepathy is a far more reliable form of communication than the internet or cell phones.

That’s Jeter’s spot. You need to keep the stones on the fresh graves to keep them from being dug up by the scavenging denizens of the night.

Anyway, I better get moving. Things to do and creatures to see.

First a kitty cuddle if they ever leave their bunkers.

Not sure about the rounds.

You fine, five readers are hopefully enjoying a more moderate climate.

And it is Thursday, Friday’s Handmaiden. Get your work shit sorted so that tomorrow is free for dreaming and planning.

But no matter what we do, let us make today a great one.

5 Responses

  1. Tsk… tsk… “PADDY’S DAY” not “Patty’sDay!” Next you’ll be prancing around in a green plastic derby with face paint….

    1. While our BIC patois would indeed require the self denigration of substituting the “dd” for the “tt” to express “Paddy” in the Irish way to throw it back in the faces of all who used it pejoratively, I chose to spell it as others who are not from our same humble beginnings might see it spelled on a holiday card. But as between us two t[h]ick micks, Happy St. Paddy’s Day, Petey.

  2. Tom – you’re the best! Said it so poignantly. I do love the snow but after finding 4 of my quail froze to death under it, well………….. what can I say. You said it for me. Have a beautiful, lovely rest of the week.

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