Honey & Claire

I’ve written about extensively about Claire, the center of the universe at Casa Claire, and her magical mate, Mr. Rogers. But I do want to mention that without the appearance of my mini-mule, Honey, on the scene, I’m not sure Claire would have survived post Mr. Rogers.

Yesterday’s early morning photo of Honey looked almost ethereal. It was one of the few times I could capture an isolated shot of her. Claire was busy off screen left chowing down at the fruit and veggie table. Honey had had her fill and was stepping away to digest her meal. Always have your iPhone camera ready.

When Mr. Rogers passed, Claire was in a deep depression. She wandered the property looking for him. She would call out with a heart wrenching bray that seemed to echo off the foothills. She was inconsolable.

I put the word out with the local Equine mafia that I was in desperate need of a new companion for Claire. It was a mixed blessing that there were none up for adoption in NoCo. Sucked for me, but meant no one was abandoning their mules.

The friend of another friend, that was wintering in Arizona, knew of a mini-mule down there who was looking for a forever home. As the friend’s friend summered in Loveland, she would be willing to drive the mini up on the way back. Bingo.

6 weeks later Honey arrived at Casa Claire and was immediately adopted by our non-human matriarch. Honey would not let me near her without first being haltered after a spirited game of ringolevio, because she had been abused by men in the past. I would gladly add those men to the list of humans needing a Bronx Goodbye.

But Honey immediately took to Claire, and Claire instantly stepped up as her big sister protector. They have been inseparable ever since Honey’s arrival. And that makes me happy.

You see, we all need a purpose. Even if it’s just to love or be loved.

Now my purpose is just to make sure that Claire and Honey remain happy and healthy.

I could have worked Honey into The Claire Saga, but I needed Claire to go through her own transformation – her evolution to a higher plain – in order to assist Jimmy and the other Misfits in their journey (and – spoiler alert – save the world). I also didn’t want to take away from the Mr. Rogers love story.

Plus, I just don’t know Honey the way I know Claire and the way I knew Mr. Rogers, who both engaged me on spiritual levels I had never shared with non-humans. Honey puts up with me, because she knows Claire loves me. And Honey knows that my love for her remains unconditional, even if it can be exasperating at times. I don’t know how God does it.

Honey makes Claire happy, and so Casa Claire remains a magical place. I will try and work her into the next series. But for now she just appears in the Biblical acknowledgements.

Well, I must now acknowledge that the dawn is rapidly approaching and I have my real world as a lawyer beckoning.

But first a kitty cuddle and my rounds.

You fine, five readers take solace in the fact that Thursday, Friday’s Lady in Waiting, waits now for you to wrap up your work week.

Have that third cuppa and then get down to business.

Find your purpose.

But whatever that purpose may be, make sure you still find a way to make today a great one.

One Response

  1. …. And remember to leave the seat down after processing that third cuppa…. “We may be wild, but we are not savages….” 🙄

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