Green Acres, Local Authors & Lucid Dreams

Yesterday was busy around Casa Claire. Hay to be bagged and hung, shit to be scooped and transported by wheelbarrow out to Hadrian’s Wall, and stalls to cleaned and new wood chips added. Then the were the troughs to to be topped off.

Of course, I first had to do a week’s work of fruit and veggie prep while fending off Claire and Honey’s regular interruptions at the back door demanding their tithe.

Thank God for Joe Rogan’s Alpha Brain.

Then it was off to collect Lisa from work, drop her off and then race over to The Farmer’s Wife, a local establishment, where they were hosting a group of local writers, who were selling and signing their works.

I wanted to see what the other Berthoud Writers looked like.

There were a few writers up on the second floor, all of them engaged with local fans so I zeroed in on a tall young lady named Kathleen Donnelly. Turns out she lives very close to me and has written three books (the third dropping soon).

Chasing Justice and Hunting The Truth.

As soon as I saw the dog on the cover – who turns out to be a central character, an ex-K-9 Military dog named Juniper, I knew I had to purchase copies for the MOS Literary Bookshelf.

Kathleen’s close proximity to Casa Claire confirms that there must be a literary vortex that draws creative Celts to the area.

Kathleen was delightful. I wish her much success in her literary career.

I then went downstairs to engage in a raucous conversation with the proprietress, Kelly, and her wonderful number 2, damnit, I suck at names, about my books, and one of the waiting customers, another woman whose name escapes me, joined into the conversation and left vowing to purchase TWA. Always be selling!

I left Kelly my contact information so we could further discuss possibly doing a reading and signing. Maybe I can set something up for when WTLLM drops in April. Fitting to do it in Berthoud proper since that is where the best part of the real Claire Saga began.

I will enshrine Kathleen’s inscribed books at Mike O’Shays this afternoon to ensure they take their place among the constantly growing number of domestic and international authors. Watch out Shakespeare & Co. NoCo is coming for you.

But I have to tell you, when the day was done, I was knackered.

Had a very strange but lucid dream and given I never remember dreams I’d thought I’d share. I (as a young man) shot an assailant in the chest – one shot and self defense – somewhere out west, escaped back East to Riverdale where I hid out in my, in the dream, single eldest brother’s basement apartment. Another local character – who I didn’t recognize – somehow spotted my gun – and strangely enough – as the witness ran towards the PS 81 Park, a huge white space craft dropped out of the sky and forcefully landed right on top of the potential witness. Like the Wicked Witch of the West. Right in front of the Russian Mission. Take that Vlad. Problem solved. I’m sure there was going to be more to it, but then I was awakened from my REM sleep by the sound of Claire forcefully banging on the fence. It seems I had slept slightly past my 2 am curtain call. I told you I was knackered.

But that is the only reason I remembered the dream. I woke up in the middle of it. I heard the banging on metal and thought it was part of the crash noises, until I realized it wasn’t. Who knows where it was going. But it was sooooo real and clear.

Note to self – don’t shoot anybody.

Well, it’s time to start my second day of chores on Casa Claire.

But first my kitty cuddle and rounds.

I hope you fine, five readers pay your respects to a higher power, watch a little football and gather with family and/or friends.

And don’t shoot anybody.

But most of all, let us all make today a great one.

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